Research Publications in 2019
Journal Articles
Osinga, Ernst C., Menno Zevenbergen, and Mark van Zuijlen (2019), “Do Mobile Banner Ads Increase Sales? Yes, in the Offline Channel,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 36(3), 439-453.
-Huang, Szu-chi, Stephanie C. Lin, and Ying Zhang (2019), “When Individual Goal Pursuit Turns Competitive: How We Sabotage and Coast,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, doi: 10.1037/pspi0000170
Mukherjee, Anirban, Hannah H. Chang, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2019), “Crowdfunding: Sharing the Entrepreneurial Journey,” in Handbook of the Sharing Economy, ed. Russell W. Belk, Giana M. Eckhardt, and Fleura Bardhi, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 152–162.

Research Publications in 2020
Journal Articles
Kartik Kalaignanam, Kapil R. Tuli, Tarun Kushwaha, Leonard Lee, and David Gal (2020), “Marketing Agility: The Concept, Antecedents, and a Research Agenda,” Journal of Marketing, Forthcoming.
Lim, Leon Gim, Kapil R. Tuli, and Rajdeep Grewal (2020), “Customer Satisfaction and its Impact on the Future Costs of Selling,” Journal of Marketing, 84(4), 23-44.
Valarie A. Zeithaml, Bernard J. Jaworski, Ajay K. Kohli, Kapil R. Tuli, Wolfgang Ulaga, and Gerald Zaltman (2020), “A Theories-in-Use Approach to Building Marketing Theory,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (1), 32-51.
Karaman, Hülya, “Online Review Solicitations Reduce Extremity Bias in Online Review Distributions and Increase Their Representativeness”, Management Science, forthcoming (PDF)
Kumar, N. and K. Pauwels (2020), “Don’t Cut Your Marketing Budget in a Recession,” Harvard Business Review, digital article, 14 August, 2020.
Jung K. Kim and Yumi Koh, “Pretrial Justice Reform and Property Crime: Evidence from New Jersey,” Applied Economics (forthcoming) https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2020.1808579

Research Publications in 2021
Journal Articles
Schaerer, Michael, Trevor Foulk, Christilene du Plessis, Min-Hsuan Tu and Satish Krishnan (2021), “Just Because You’re Powerless Doesn’t Mean They Aren’t Out to Get You: Low Power, Paranoia, and Aggression.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 165, 1 – 20.
Kim, Junghan and Arun Lakshmanan (2021), “Do Animated Line Graphs Increase Risk Inferences?” Journal of Marketing Research, 58 (3), 595–613.
Linyi Li, Shyam Gopinath, Steve Carson, “History Matters: The Impact of Online Review Across Product Generations”, Management Science, accepted
Kartik Kalaignanam, Kapil R. Tuli, Tarun Kushwaha, Leonard Lee, and David Gal (2021), “Marketing Agility: The Concept, Antecedents, and a Research Agenda,” Journal of Marketing, 85 (1), 35-58.
Kumar, N (2021), Countercyclical Marketing during Recessions, Management and Business Review, forthcoming September.
P. Sen, P. Deb and N. Kumar (2021), “The Challenges of Work From Home for Organizational Design,” California Management Review, digital article, 31 July.
Kumar, N. and M. Pillutla (2021), “Pay for Performance: When does it Fail?,” Management and Business Review, Winter, 1, 1, 45-52.

Research Publications in 2022
Journal Articles
du Plessis, Christilene, My Hoang Bao Nguyen, Trevor Foulk and Michael Schaerer, “Relative Power and Interpersonal Trust,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, forthcoming
Mooi, Erik, Ernst C. Osinga, and Carlos D. Santos (2022), "Collaboration Scope and Product Innovation in B2B Markets: Are There Too Many Cooks or Is It the Customer Who Spoils the Broth?," European Journal of Marketing, 56(3), 899-921.
Chang, Hannah H., Anirban Mukherjee, and Amitava Chattopadhyay (2022), “More Voices Persuade: The Attentional Benefits of Voice Numerosity,” Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming
Mehdi Nezami, Kapil R. Tuli, and Shantanu Dutta (2022), “Shareholder wealth implications of software firms’ transition to cloud computing: a marketing perspective,” Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Forthcoming
Linyi Li, Shyam Gopinath, and Stephen J. Carson. "History Matters: The Impact of Online Customer Reviews Across Product Generations." Management Science 68, no. 5 (2022): 3878-3903.
Tan, Yong-Chin, Sandeep R. Chandukala, and Srinivas K. Reddy (2022), “Augmented Reality in Retail and its Impact on Sales,” Journal of Marketing, 86 (1), 48-66.
Chandukala, Sandeep R., Srinivas K. Reddy, and Yong-Chin Tan (2022), “How Augmented Reality Can – and Can’t – Help Your Brand,” Harvard Business Review, digital article, 29 March, 2022.
Han, Yoonju, Sandeep R. Chandukala, and Shibo Li (2022), "Impact of Different Types of In-Store Displays on Consumer Purchase Behavior," Journal of Retailing, 98(3), 432-452.
Allard, Thomas and Stefano Puntoni (2022), “Misunderstood Menu Metrics: Side-length Food Sizing Leads to Quantity Underestimation and Overeating,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 7(4), 438-449.
Allard, Thomas and Brent McFerran (2022), “Ethical Branding in a Divided World: How Political Orientation Motivates Reactions to Marketplace Transgressions,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32(4), 551-572.
Research Publications in 2023
Journal Articles
du Plessis, Christilene, Serena D’Hooge and Steven Sweldens, “The Science of Creating Brand Associations: A Continuous Trinity Model Linking Brand Associations to Learning Processes,” Journal of Consumer Research, conditionally accepted.
Sungkyun Moon, Kapil R. Tuli, and Anirban Mukherjee (2023), “Does Disclosure of Advertising Spending Help Investors and Analysts?” Journal of Marketing, 87 (3), 359-382.
Katrijn Gielens, Marnik Dekimpe, Anirban Mukherjee, and Kapil R. Tuli (2023), “The Future of Private Label Markets: A Global Convergence Approach,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40 (1), 248-267.
Hagtvedt, Henrik and Sandeep R. Chandukala (2023), “Immersive Retailing: The In-Store Experience,” Journal of Retailing, 99(4), 505-517.