Keynote Presentation by Dr. Toshio Yamagishi, Hokkaido University and University of Tokyo
The organisers of the First International Network on Trust Singapore Workshop are pleased to announce the following keynote presentation. More details on the Workshop can be found at: http:https://business.smu.edu.sg/conference/fint2013
Trust, trustworthiness, and general measures of trust
It has been known that the paper-and-pencil measures of general trust correlate more (or at least as) strongly with trustworthy behaviors than (as) trusting behaviors that are theoretically predicted to reflect the game player’s trust (i.e., expectations of fair choices by their game partners) in some economic games. It is also known that trusting choices and trustworthy choices in those games are strongly correlated with each other. Professor Yamagishi first presents data showing that the correlation between trust and trustworthiness cannot be fully accounted for by the projection of own trustworthiness onto their partner. He then presents the logic of co-evolution of trust, trustworthiness, and social intelligence, according to which the adaptive value of trust or trustworthiness emerges only in the presence of the other – trust is a gainful strategy only for trustworthy people, and trustworthiness is a gainful strategy only for trusting people. If time allows, he will discuss implications of his most recent findings about homo economicus.
About the Speaker

Dr. Toshio Yamagishi
Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University
Project Professor, Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences, University of Tokyo
Toshio Yamagishi was born in Nagoya, Japan, in 1948. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, in sociology, and his Doctoral degree in sociology from the University of Washington. Professor Yamagishi started his teaching career at Hokkaido University, then moved to the University of Washington, then returned to Hokkaido University where he has been since 1988. In 2008, he established the Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences and became its inaugural Director. In 2012, he moved to Tamagawa University, and then to the University of Tokyo, where he is currently Project Professor at the Center for Evolutionary Cognitve Sciences. He is a former member of Science Council of Japan.
Honors he has received include the Nikkei Prize for Excellent Books in Economic Science (1999), Medal with Purple Ribbon (2004; a national medal given to about a dozen most distinguished scholars annually in all scholastic fields in Japan), eight prizes from academic associations, Fellow at Zentrum fur Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen (1990), Rio Tinto/La Trobe University Distinguished Visiting Fellow (1999), Fulbright Fellow (2000), Distinguished Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study, La Trobe University (2001), Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences (2002), and Distinguished Fellow at the Sage Center for the Study of Mind, University of California Santa Barbara. Most recently, Professor Yamagishi was endowed with the national honor of "Cultural Contributor" which is given to a very select few distinguished scholars and artists in Japan.
Professor Yamagishi is widely recognized for his research on trust, cooperation, altruism, reciprocity, and related issues. His current research focuses on the dynamic interplay between human psychology and the macro social structure. He has published 20 books including edited books, 126 journal articles, and 59 book chapters, with citations over 9,000 and an h-index of 40.

All are welcome to attend this event. To sign up, kindly Register online.
Light refreshments will be provided.
23 November 2013 (Saturday)
9.00am - 10.30am
SMU Administration Building
Mochtar Riady Auditorium
Level 5
81 Victoria Street
Singapore 188065
Location map
Click HERE for map
9.00am to
9.30am |
coffee/tea and
light breakfast items
9.30am to 10.30am
Keynote Presentation

About FINT
The First International Network on Trust (FINT) aims to further international cooperation in trust research via conferences, workshops, regular newsletters, and various other activities. FINT members have organized numerous tracks on trust at EURAM, EGOS, and Academy of Management conferences. FINT actively aims to further publications on trust, preferably co-authored by scholars from different countries. Workshop and track papers have been brought together in special issues of Personnel Review (2003, vol 32, 5), Journal of Managerial Psychology (2004, vol 19, 6) and Strategic Change (2005), an edited volume on ‘Trust under pressure (published by Edward Elgar) and special issues on ‘Trust and control’ of International Sociology (2005) and Group and Organization Management (2007). Recent book publications are Trust and Human Resources Management, the Handbook of Research Methods on Trust (both published by Edward Elgar) and Organizational Trust - A Cultural Perspective, a volume published by Cambridge University Press. FINT members have also contributed actively to the creation of the Journal of Trust Research. More info on FINT can be found at www.fintweb.org and also FINT’s Linked-In Groupsite, http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FINT-First-International-Network-Trust-4824312?home=&gid=4824312&trk=anet_ug_hm. For membership, mail to: r.zolin@qut.edu.au