
The Doctor of Business Administration curriculum consists of the following components:

ComponentsCredit UnitsYearRatio
Doctoral Dissertation263 & 465%
Introductory Research Project11 & 235%
4 Competency Workshops
  • Data Analysis
  • Academic Writing
  • Teaching Forum
  • Case Writing and Teaching
  • Blended Learning

Elective Courses

  • Innovation Strategy
  • Innovation Development
  • Innovation Commercialisation
  • Creativity Research: Global and Asian Perspectives
  • Trust within Organisations
  • Data Analysis
  • Cross-Cultural Management Research
  • Product Strategy
  • Finance
Core Courses
  • Fundamental Research in Corporate Finance
  • Global Strategy and Strategic Management
  • Leadership
  • Financial Reporting and Governance
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Supply Chain Innovation
Foundation Courses
  • Research Method I
  • Research Method II
  • Introduction to Business Research: Philosophy of Science and Behavioural Approaches to Organizing
  • Introduction to Business Research: Model building and Economics of Organizing
Total: 40 Credit Units | 4 Years Duration

Coursework (12 Credit Units)

Candidates will spend up to the first two years completing coursework requirements, which emphasise on requisite skills in research, teaching and presentation, as well as the ability to recognise, formulate and solve problems in practice. The two foundation courses help prepare candidates to review suitable research designs and methodologies for their dissertation project, while the core courses are structured to provide broad exposure across key business disciplines. After completing the common coursework, candidates can advance their understanding of a particular field by the choice of elective courses.

DBA (Innovation) candidates are required to complete all 4 electives from the Innovation track. 

The on-campus coursework is designed to fit the busy schedules of working professionals. Courses will be offered in a modular format where candidates complete a 3-day residential segment on-campus per course, typically from Friday through Sunday. Courses will feature a combination of interactive seminars, assignments and project work.

List of Coursework Curriculum

Refer to this link here (subject to changes). 

Qualifying Examination

Upon completing the coursework, candidates will take the Qualifying Examination which assesses their ability to apply concepts learnt to practical scenarios.

4 Competency Workshops (Compulsory)

From August 2023 intake onwards, it is a graduation requirement for students to complete 4 workshops as compulsory for graduation requirement. These are typically 1.5 day workshops targeted at imparting research, teaching, presentation and practice-oriented skills to participants. Workshop topics will include: 

  • Data Analysis
  • Academic Writing
  • Teaching Forum
  • Case Writing and Teaching
  • Blended Learning

Introductory Research Project (1 Credit Unit)

In the second year, canddiates will spend approximately 12 weeks on an introductory research project, which serves as a preparatory step towards their dissertation. This provides candidates with the opportunity to design a research study and write a short paper. Projects may vary from literature reviews on a chosen research area, to working on an empirical analysis of a topic of interest, or the application of a tool in a business discipline.

Dissertation (26 Credit Units)

Candidates are expected to form a Dissertation Committee and confirm a Dissertation Supervisor in their second year. Candidates will be working on their dissertations under the supervision of his/her Dissertation Committee. Regular consultations with the Dissertation Comittee is expected until succesful completion of their dissertation (1 week, quarterly). 
Dissertation Committee consists of one Dissertation Supervisor (Committee Chair), one SMU faculty member and one member outside of the discipline group who may or may not be a SMU faculty member. The members of the Dissertation Committee are appointed by the School in consultation with the dissertation supervisor and candidate.

In Term 2 of the second year, candidates are required to prepare a Dissertation Proposal. A written Dissertation Proposal and oral defense must be completed by the end of Term 3.

In the third year, candidates will commence work on their Doctoral Dissertation under the Dissertation Committee's supervision. Submission of a written report on the dissertation is due by the end of Term 2, Year 4. 

After reviewing the written dissertation report, the Dissertation Committee will conduct a final examination in which the canddiate will orally defend his/her dissertation. The Dissertation Committee may also require the dissertation to be revised and resubmitted. After examining the dissertation, the Dissertation Committee will make a recommendation to the SMU Office of Postgraduate Research Programmes regarding the fulfilment of the dissertation requirements for the degree.

Note: It is expected that all dissertation work is performed by the candidate and  his/her report is 100% original, unless properly cited.

Typical Programme Schedule            


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3


 Modular Courses (Common) and Competency  Workshops

 Modular Courses (Common) and Competency  Workshops

Modular Courses (Common) and Competency Workshops


 Modular Courses (Electives)  +
Qualifying Examination +
Intro Research Project

 Form Dissertation Committee
Prepare Dissertation Proposal

 Submit Written Dissertation Proposal
Oral Defense of Proposal
Conduct Dissertation Project


 Conduct Dissertation Project

 Conduct Dissertation Project        
Prepare to defend the Design & Implementation

 Conduct Dissertation Project
Present and Defend the Design & Implementation  


Conduct Dissertation Project

 Conduct Dissertation Project        
Submit Written Report of Completed Dissertation

Oral Defense of Dissertation
Revise & Re-submit Dissertation Report
Submit Approved Report to PGR Programme Office

The minimum duration for the programme is three years. Most candidates, as an average, complete the programme in 4 years.  Candidates are required to apply for extension of study at least 3 months prior to starting Year 5 and addtional tuition fees are chargable. The maximum duration of the programme is five years, unless prior approval has been granted.

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