Programme Structure & Curriculum

Students are encouraged to complete the programme in 4 years.

The minimum duration of the programme is three years. Most students, however, are expected to take about four years to complete the programme. The maximum registration duration of the programme is five years, unless special approval for a longer duration is given by SMU.

The curriculum consists of

  • 6 Foundation courses (6 course units)
  • 2 Electives (2 course units)
  • 4 Advanced Research Topics (ART) courses (4 course units)

The programme also requires the preparation and completion of a PhD Dissertation (28 course units).

Programme Schedule (Sample)

YearTerm 1 (Aug - Nov)Term 2 (Jan - Apr)Term 3 (May - Aug)
1Foundation courses

Elective courses
Foundation courses 

Elective courses
2ART courses


Prepare Dissertation Proposal
ART courses


Pass PhD Qualifying Exam

Form Dissertation Committee
3Submit Written Dissertation Proposal

Oral Defence of Dissertation Proposal

Dissertation Research
Dissertation ResearchDissertation Research
4Dissertation ResearchDissertation Research

(i) Submit written report of completed Dissertation Research

(ii) Oral defence of completed Dissertation
(i) Revise and/or re-submit Dissertation Report

(ii) Submit Approved Dissertation Report to LKCSB PGR Office

(iii) Dissertation Report from LKCSB PGR Office to GSO for approval

Year 1 & 2

Introduction to Business Research
Strategic Management
Organisation Theory
Applied Econometrics
Statistics for Business Research
Applied Quantitative and Statistical Methods

Elective 1: selected from Foundation courses in LKCSB or core courses from other schools subject to approval.
Elective 2: selected from Foundation courses in LKCSB or core courses from other schools subject to approval.

Research in Innovation and Technology Management
Research in Entrepreneurship
Research in Networks
Research in International Business

Independent Study
Each course meets for three hours per week during the Term. 

Years 3-4 (+ Year 5 if warranted)

Completion of PhD Dissertation

Students are expected to form the PhD Committee in Year 2, including selection of a PhD Supervisor. Then, under the supervision of the PhD Supervisor, students will prepare and defend their dissertation proposal, conduct dissertation research, and conduct a final defence of the dissertation.

Years 3 and 4

Completion of PhD Dissertation:

Students are expected to form a PhD Committee in Year 2, including the selection of a PhD Supervisor. Then, under the supervision of the PhD Supervisor, students will prepare and defend their dissertation proposal, conduct their dissertation research, and conduct a final defence of the dissertation. 

Graduation Requirements

  • Research Foundation Courses (6 course units)
  • Electives (2 course units)
  • Advanced Research Topics (ART) courses (4 course units)
  • PhD Qualifying Examination
  • Oral Defence of Dissertation Proposal
  • PhD Dissertation (28 course units)
  • Oral Defence of completed Dissertation

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