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Research Seminars

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11 December 2015Atalay Atasu
Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
"Extended Producer Responsibility and Secondary Markets"
8 December 2015Vinod Singhal
Dunn Family Professor of Operations Management, Georgia Institute of Technology
"An Empirical Investigation on the Choices of Supply Chain and Operations Management Executives"
25 September 2015Karthik Natarajan
Associate Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design
"Robustness to Dependency in Portfolio Optimization Using Overlapping Marginals"
27 March 2015Stephen Graves
Abraham J. Siegel Professor of Management Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Inventory Management in a Consumer Electronics Closed-Loop Supply Chain"
6 March 2015Senthil Veeraraghavn
Associate Professor, The Unversity of Pennsylvania
"A Model of Rational Retrials in Queues"
6 February 2015Yunjian Xu
Assistant Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design
"Scheduling and Pricing of Delay-Tolerant Demand under Random Processing Cost"
2 December 2016Long He
Assistant Professor in Decision Sciences, National University of Singapore
"Service Region Design for Urban Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems"
21 October 2016Xuan Wang
Assistant Professor in Operations Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
"Online Resource Allocation with Limited Flexibility"
13 September 2016Fangruo Chen
MUTB Professor of International Business, Columbia University
"Strategic interactions on an e-commerce platform: Pricing, demand learning, and the threat of entry"
2 September 2016Yiwei Chen
Assistant Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design
"Joint Pricing and Inventory Management with Strategic Customers"
13 May 2016Aravind Chandrasekaran
Associate Professor in Management Science, The Ohio State University
"The Electronic Medical Record Adoption Process: Impact on Patient Experience and Cost"
15 April 2016Sean Zhou
Associate Professor
Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Dual-Channel Management with Strategic Consumers"
12 April 2016Joseph Milner
Professor of Operations Management, University of Toronto
"Clinical Trials for New Drug Development: Optimal Investment and Application"
1 April 2016Nils Rudi
Professor of Technology and Operations Management
The Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Chaired Professor in International Management, INSEAD
"Research opportunities using football (soccer) data"
18 March 2016Christopher Tang
Edward W. Carter Chair in Business Administration
Distinguished Professor, UCLA Anderson School
"Innovative Operations Management Research: Why? What? How?"
12 February 2016J. George Shanthikumar
Richard E. Dauch Chair in Manufacturing and Operations Management
Distinguished Professor of Management, Purdue University
"Managing Dependent Random SUpply Capacities in Dynamic Inventory-Pricing Problems"
29 January 2016Stephen Graves
Abraham J. Siegel Professor of Management Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Path to Publication: A case example"
15 January 2016Ruiwei Jiang
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
"An Integer Programming Approach for Appointment Scheduling with Random No-Shows and Service Durations"
8 January 2016Gilvan Souza
Professor of Operations Management, Indiana University
"Batteries as Energyy Storage for Energy Shifting"
10 November 2017S. Viswanathan
Professor of Operations Management, Nanyang Technological University
"Inventory Rationing in Service Parts Logistics"
9 October 2017Jing Wu
Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong
"Credit Event Contagion in Supply Chains"
15 September 2017Enver Yucesan
Professor of Technology and Operations Management, INSEAD
"Diffusion of Competing Rumors in Social Media"
8 September 2017John Birge
Jerry W. and Carol Lee Levin Distinguished Service Professor of Operations Management, University of Chicago
"Dynamic Learning in Strategic Pricing Games"
11 July 2017Saif Benjaafar
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, University of Minnesota
"Labor Platforms for On-Demand Services: Implications for Profit, Consumer Surplus, and Labor Welfare"
12 June 2017Yael Grushka-Cockayne
Associate Professor of Business Administration, University of Virginia
"Bayesian Ensembles of Binary-Event Forecasts"
26 May 2017Nicholas G. Hall
Professor of Management Sciences and Integrated Systems Engineering, The Ohio State University
"Project Management: Incentive Design and Work Package Planning"
11 April 2017Ville Satopää
Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management, INSEAD
"Collecting Information from Multiple Forecasters: Inefficiency of Measures of Central Tendency"
7 April 2017Renyu (Philip) Zhang
Assistant Professor of Operations Management, New York University Shanghai
"Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Management under Network Externalities"
31 March 2017Zhenyu Hu
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
"Stable and Monotonic Allocation in Risk Pooling Problems"
24 February 2017Peng Hu
Associate Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
"Dynamic Inventory and Markdown Decisions for Perishable Goods with Strategic Consumer Behavior"
28 November 2018Florin Ciocan
Assistant Professor, INSEAD
"Revenue Management for Repeated Interactions"
16 November 2018Shrutivandana Sharma
Assistant Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design
"Inventory Management under Storage and Order Restrictions"
19 October 2018Terry Taylor
Milton W. Terrill Chaired Professor of Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley
"On-Demand Service Platforms: Independent Workers, Competition and Autonomous Vehicles"
28 September 2018Karthyek Murthy
Assistant Professor, Singapore University of Technology and Design
"Robustness in data-driven optimization using Wasserstein distances"
14 September 2018Selvaprabu (Selva) Nadarajah
Assistant Professor of Information and Decision Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago
"Revisiting approximate linear programming for perishable inventory control and electricity storage problems"
30 August 2018Qing Li
Professor of Operations Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
"A Data-Driven Approach to High Volume Recruitment: Application to Student Admission"
20 July 2018Amiya Chakravarty
Professor and Endowed Chair in Operations and Supply Chain Management, Northwestern University
"Humanitarian Response to Hurricane Disasters: Coordinating Flood-risk Mitigation with Fundraising and Relief Operations"
18 May 2018Andre Calmon
Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management, INSEAD
"Operations Strategy at the Base of the Pyramid: Consumer Education and Reverse Logistics in a Durable Goods Supply Chain"
11 May 2018Ming Hu
Professor of Operations Management, University of Toronto
"Blockbuster or Niche? Competitive Strategy under Network Effects"
9 April 2018Teo Chung Piaw
Provost Chair Professor, National University of Singapore
"Data Driven Approach to Pricing and Resource Allocation Problems"
20 March 2018Yalcin Akcay
Professor of Operations Management, The University of Melbourne
"The Customer Knows Best: Pricing Policies for Random Quality Products"
16 March 2018Joel Goh
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
"Assortment Rotation and the Value of Concealment"
9 March 2018S. Alex Yang
Associate Professor of Management Science and Operations, London Business School
"Cancelability in Trade Credit Insurance"
23 February 2018Michael Freeman
Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management, INSEAD
"Gatekeeping under Congestion: An Empirical Study of Referral Errors in the Emergency Department"
29 November 2019Vishal Agrawal
Associate Professor, Georgetown University
"Non-Ownership Business Models for Solar Energy"
15 November 2019Gar Goei Loke
Visiting Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
"Intraday Scheduling with Patient Re-entries and Variability in Behaviours"
20 Sep 2019Xiaobo Li
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
"Convex Optimization for Bundle Size Pricing Problem"
23 August 2019Hai Wang
Assistant Professor, Singapore Management University
"Multi-Objective Online Ride Matching"
12 July 2019Gerardo Berbeglia
Associate Professor, The University of Melbourne
"A Comparative Empirical Study of Discrete Choice Models in Retail Operations"
3 July 2019Jose Guajardo
Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley
"How Do Usage and Payment Behavior Interact in Rent-to-Own Business Models? Evidence from Developing Economies"
26 June 2019David Simchi-Levi
Professor of Engineering System, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Online Resource Allocation with Applications to Revenue Management"
26 April 2019Sripad Devalkar
Assistant Professor of Operations Management, Indian School of Business
"Monitoring and Planning in Public Sector Supply Chains: Evidence from India's Food Security Program"
12 April 2019Ho-Yin Mak
Associate Professor in Management Science, University of Oxford
"Recent Research and Teaching in Smart City Operations Management"
8 April 2019Zizhuo Wang
Associate Professor, University of Minnesota
"Aggregation Bias when Estimating Demand Functions"
29 March 2019Lusheng Shao
Senior Lecturer of Operations Management, University of Melbourne
"Capacity Games with Supply Function Competition"
20 February 2019Spyros Zoumpoulis
Assistant Professor of Decision Sciences, INSEAD
"Evaluating and Improving Targeting Policies with Field Experiments"
27 November 2020Manuel Sosa
Professor, INSEAD
"The Bright Side of Bad Choices: Evidence from Restaurant Exploration" (Webinar)
20 November 2020Safak Yucel
Assistant Professor, Georgetown University
"Design of Electricity Demand-Response Programs" (Webinar)
6 November 2020Wenbin Wang
Associate Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
"Energy Efficiency Implies Cost Efficiency? Revisiting Design and Operations of Combined Heat and Power Systems" (Webinar)
23 October 2020Qinshen Tang
Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University
"Vehicle Repositioing under Uncertainty" (Webinar)
9 October 2020Zhi Chen
Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong
"Regret in the Newsvendor Model with Demand and Yield Randomness" (Webinar)
12 June 2020Marcus Ang
Associate Professor (Education), Singapore Management University
"Model for a multi-port multi-period sea cargo mix problem" (Webinar)
29 May 2020Joyce Low
Assistant Professor (Education), Singapore Management University
"A Constraint Programming Approach to Load Capacity Optimization in Container Vessels" (Webinar)
3 April 2020Henrik Sornn-Friese
Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School
MPA Professor in Maritime Business, Lee Kong Chian School of Business
"Ports and the Circular Economy" (Webinar)
31 January 2020Tinglong Dai
Associate Professor, John Hopkins University
"Incentive Design for Operations-Marketing Multitasking"
23 January 2020Sergei Savin
Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania
"Investing in Performance: Information and Merit-Based Incentives in K-12 Education"
17 January 2020Sameer Hasija
Associate Professor, INSEAD
"Optimal Financial Hedging of Exchange Rates Under Operational Flexibility: A Polymatroid Theory Approach"
17 December 2021Kejia Hu
Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University
"To What Extent Do Workers' Preferences Matter" (Webinar)
12 November 2021Mengshi Lu
Assistant Professor, Purdue University
"Contract Negotiation and Contractor Selection in Project Outsourcing" (Webinar)
15 October 2021Chen Jin
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
"Right to Repair: Pricing, Welfare, and Environmental Implications" (Webinar)
1 October 2021Ioannis Bellos
Associate Professor, George Mason University
"The Role of Dealer Demonstration in the Adoption of Electric Vehicles" (Webinar)
17 September 2021Guangwen Kong
Assistant Professor, Temple University
"No Panic in Pandemic: The Impact of Individual Choice on Public Health Policy and Vaccine Policy" (Webinar)
3 September 2021Qi (George) Chen
Assistant Professor, London Business School
"Now of Later?: When to Deploy Qualification Screening in Open-Bid Auction for Re-Sourcing" (Webinar)
6 August 2021Lucy Chen
Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
"Supply Chain Performance with Target-Oriented Firms" (Webinar)
28 May 2021Joyce Low
Assistant Professor (Education), Singapore Management University
"Exploring the connected development of a Smart Port within a Smart City" (Webinar)
7 May 2021Vivek Choudhary
Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University
"Nudging Drivers to Safety: Evidence from a Field Experiment" (Webinar)
23 April 2021Man Yu
Associate Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
"Signaling Quality with Return Insurance: Theory and Empirical Evidence" (Webinar)
9 April 2021Daniel Jiang
Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh
"Structured Actor-Critic for Managing Public Health Points-of-Dispensing" (Webinar)
12 March 2021Arzum Akkas
Assistant Professor, Boston University
"Reducing Food Waste: An Operations Management Research Agenda" (Webinar)
5 March 2021Shi Chen
Associate Professor of Operations Management
University of Washington
"When to Broadcast? An Analysis of Inventory Disclosure Policies for Online Sales of Limited Inventory with Learning and Scarcity Effects" (Webinar)
5 February 2021Hsiao-Hui Lee
Professor, National Chengchi University
"Before It's Too Late: Product Recall Delays and Policy Design" (Webinar)
13 December 2022Mehmet McGill
Professor, McGill University
"Inventory Control and Learning for Fast-Fashion Industry with Censored Demand"
14 November 2022Michael Lim
Professor, Seoul National University
"Informal Cross-Border Trade in Africa: Operations, Policy, and Opportunities"
4 November 2022Jack Tong
Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University
"How Do Popular Rankings Affect Customer Search and Purchase on Mobile Apps: A Large-Scale Field Experiment"
28 October 2022Nicos Savva
Professor, London Business School
"Hospital Reimbursement in the Presence of Cherry Picking and Upcoding" (Webinar)
7 October 2022Xin Fang
Associate Professor, MPA Research Fellow
Singapore Management University
"Asymmetric Information of Product Authenticity in Cross-Border E-Commerce: How can Border Inspection Helps?"
5 October 2022Vishal Gupta
Associate Professor, USC Marshall School of Business
"Contextual Stochastic Optimization for Panel Data"
30 September 2022Marcus Ang
Associate Professor (Education)
MPA Research Fellow, Singapore Management University
"Optimization of Kiva robot system under uncertainty"
16 September 2022Pengyi Shi
Associate Professor, Purdue University
"A New Era of Care Delivery: Machine-learning Enhanced Hospital Workload Prediction and Resource Allocation" (Webinar)
2 September 2022Zhi Chen
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
"Learning By Failing: The Effect of Test Reporting on Autonomous Vehicle Training"
19 August 2022Guihua Wang
Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Dallas
"Does Telehealth Reduce Rural-Urban Care-Access Disparities? Evidence from COVID-19 Telehealth Expansion" (Webinar)
19 July 2022Yinyu Ye
K.T.Li Chair Professor of Engineering, Stanford University
"Geometric Aggregation of the Social Welfare in Resource Allocation"
17 June 2022Preethika Sainam
Assistant Professor, Arizona State University
"Service vs. Price Cues: Retailers' Strategic Choice in the Presence of Consumer Heterogeneity"
3 June 2022Sergei Savin
Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania
"Delivering Multi-Specialty Care via On-Demand Telemedicine Platforms"
27 May 2022Nur Sunar
Associate Professor, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Telemedicine for inclusive care: Remedy for socioeconomic health disparities?" (Webinar)
6 May 2022Fabian J. Sting
Professor and Director, University of Cologne
"Mobilizing and Sharing Frontline Employee Innovation" (Webinar)
22 April 2022Wenjie Tang
Assistant Professor, University of Vienna
"How to Make an Offer? Optimization over Offer Deadline, Size or Sequence" (Webinar)
8 April 2022Rong Ying
Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
"Feature-Based Inventory Control with Censored Demand" (Webinar)
25 March 2022Martin Jes Iversen
Vice Dean of International Education, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School
MPA Professor in Maritime Business, Lee Kong Chian School of Business
"Maritime Digitalization - Excessive Integration"
11 March 2022Hamsa Bastani
Assistant Professor, The University of Pennsylvania
"Efficient and targeted COVID-19 border testing via reinforcement learning" (Webinar)
25 February 2022Hubert Pun
Associate Professor, Western University
"An investigation on the impact of counterfeiting and tracebility in the secondary market" (Webinar)
18 February 2022Shouqiang Wang
Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Dallas
"Audit and Remediation Strategies in the Presence of Evasion Capabilities" (Webinar)
18 December 2023Jayashankar (Jay) Swaminathan
GlaxoSmithKline Distinguished Professor, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Managing Collaborative Care for Diabetes and Depression"
27 November 2023Yanchong (Karen) Zheng
George M.Bunker Professor and Associate Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Improving Farmers' Welfare via Digital Agricultural Platforms"
3 November 2023Joyce Low 
Assistant Professor (Education), MPA Research Fellow, Singapore Management University
"Analysing the Cyclic Delivery Services of Shuttles and Cargo Bikes in Last-Mile Deliveries"
27 October 2023Hanzhang Qin
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
"A New Approach for Vehicle Routing with Stochastic Demand: Combining Route Assignment with Process Flexibility"
6 October 2023Long Zhao
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
"Combining Forecasts from Multiple Variables and Experts Under Correlated Forecast Errors"
29 September 2023Ali Fattahi
Assistant Professor, John Hopkins University
"Utilities' Managed Home-Charging Programs for Electric Vehicles"
22 September 2023Yun Fong Lim
Associate Professor, MPA Research Fellow
Singapore Management University
"Optimizing Shipment Consolidation: Solving The Personalized Order-Holding Problem In Online Retailing"
8 September 2023Amanda Wang
Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
"Sourcing Strategies in the Presence of Social Comparisons, Random Yields and Supplier Competition with Limited Capacity"
25 August 2023Zheng Zhang
Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University
"Helping the Captive Audience: Advance Notice of Diagnostic Service for Hospital Inpatients"
7 August 2023Bar Light
Assistant Professor, Tel Aviv University
"Budget Pacing in Repeating Auctions: Regret and Efficiency without Convergence"
21 April 2023Yifan Feng
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
"On a Mallows-type Model for Preference learning From (Ranked) Choices"
14 April 2023Diwas KC
Professor, Emory University
"Store Closures and Online Shopping: Evidence from a Natural Experiment"
31 March 2023Henrik Sornn-Friese
Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School
MPA Professor in Maritime Business
Lee Kong Chian School of Business
"Port as Energy Transition Hubs"
24 March 2023Saed Alizamir
Associate Professor, Yale University
"Search Delegation Policies for Compliance Enforcement"
17 March 2023Xiaomeng Guo
Associate Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
"Adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility Under Asymmetric Information"
13 March 2023Spyros Zoumpoulis
Assistant Professor, INSEAD
"Quantifying and realizing the benefits of targeting for pandemic response"
10 March 2023Jing Wu
Associate Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
"The Golden Revolving Door: Hedging through Hiring Government Officials"
3 March 2023Bin Hu
Associate Professor, The Univeristy of Texas at Dallas
"Seeing Beauty in Ugly Produce: a Food Waste Prespective" (Webinar)
28 February 2023Ersin Korpeoglu
Associate Professor, UCL School of Management
"Dynamic Development Contests" (Webinar)
9 February 2023Timothy Chan
Professor, University of Toronto
"Got (optimal) milk?"
25 January 2023Anton Ovchinnikov
Professor / Visiting Professor, Queen's University / INSEAD
"How to Analyze Dynamic Programming Data: Thoughts, Theory and Demo"
30 August 2024Sarak Yucel
Associate Professor, Georgetown University
6 September 2024Geoffrey Chua
Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University
4 October 2024Song-Hee Kim
Associate Professor, Seoul National University
28 March 2025Xiuli Chao
Professor, University of Michigan
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