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Impact - Media Highlights

Commenting on some members of generation Z preferring TikTok over Google, SMU Senior Lecturer of Communication Management Tracy Loh said TikTok is the app of choice for Gen Zs. All their friends are there and TikTok is almost synonymous with the word social media, said Dr Loh, adding that it is natural for youths to use its search function. She also noted that the visual nature of TikTok makes content “very easily consumable and digestible”.

SMU, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Copenhagen Business School are jointly offering a unique 18-month exchange programme spanning three continents for undergraduates. TREBLE (TRicontinental Exchange in Business and Leadership Education) will enable students to gain exposure to business environments and practices in the United States, Asia, and Europe.

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship (Education) Kenneth Goh discussed why early specialisation in sports poses a risk of burnout among young athletes. He also discussed how early specialisation reflects broader societal mindsets that are detrimental to talent development, and concluded there was a need for societal mindsets to shift towards longer-term and more holistic development to reduce talent attrition caused by burnout.

 In light of the recent Budget statement, SMU Professor Emeritus of Finance Annie Koh shares her insight relating to the hopes of Singaporeans for 2024 and how the government can better work with the people to create that shared future together. 

In an interview, SMU Assistant Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship (Education) Terence Fan noted that the policy minimises the effort required by each individual airline company to source sustainable fuel, making it cleaner from Singapore’s perspective. 

In the second part of a two-part interview, SMU Senior Lecturer of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources Paul Lim shared his insights on organisational resilience in times of hardship. Stressing the pivotal role of leadership during tough times, he emphasised the need for proactive strategies to “buffer the organisation”. He suggested a possible approach is to enhance collaborative communication to foster a positive and supportive workplace.

Commenting on the public transport ridership hitting 93.5 per cent of pre-pandemic levels in 2023, SMU Assistant Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship (Education) Terence Fan said public transport ridership is still “somewhat below” what is expected, based on commuting patterns in 2019.

Workforces have largely returned to pre-pandemic levels and inflation has cooled. Yet, tech companies and startups in the US continue to slash their workforce in the first weeks of 2024 after massive layoffs last year. In the first of a two-part interview, SMU Senior Lecturer of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources Paul Lim, shares helpful tips and advice on how to bounce back from a layoff.

Sharing his views on the factors for the growth of car-sharing in Singapore, SMU Assistant Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship (Education) Terence Fan explained how this could be due to a notable shift in people’s commuting patterns after Covid-19. He also said that the demand for car-sharing services may have experienced an uptick as individuals seek more efficient means for their cross-town journeys.

In an interview, SMU Assistant Professor of Finance Aurobindo Ghosh discussed about the Singapore Index of Inflation Expectations (SInDEx) Survey published jointly by SMU’s Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics (SKBI) and DBS, which found that half of Singaporeans expect inflation to decline this year. Asst Prof Ghosh opined that this was due to a declining trend and that it did not come as a surprise that people expected prices to be falling in the medium term.

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