DDC Track

Data, Design and Communication Track
The DDC track is for students who want to learn how to turn data into impactful creative insights; design compelling digital experiences and products; as well as create and deliver powerful narratives. The track is especially suitable for students who are interested in jobs in the digital economy that traverse various disciplines.
The DDC track comprises the following courses:
Communication Management Core Courses
COMM302: Designing Communication for Behavioral Change
COMM102: Foundations in Strategic Communication
DDC Core Courses
COMM301: Visual Analytics for Decision Making
COMM255: User Experience (UX) and Digital Product Design
COMM256: Design Thinking in Digital Communication
DDC Electives (pick any three)
COR-COMM2246: Storytelling with AI
COMM257: Misinformation Management
COMM320: Business Narratives for Asian Organizations
COR-COMM1312: Communication Strategies in the Digital Age
COR-COMM1313: Intercultural Communication
MGMT345: Digital Media, Entertainment & E-Commerce Ecosystem
Please refer to the Course Catalogue on OASIS for the most updated list of electives available and their course attributes.