Q.E.D. Society

Formed in conjunction with the launch of the undergraduate Quantitative Finance programme in August 2006, QED has been established with the objective of inculcating cohesiveness and a sense of belonging among the Quantitative Finance majors, as well as to promote the knowledge of financial engineering and computational finance to interested members of the University.

Q.E.D is an abbreviation of the Latin Phrase “Quod Erat Demonstrandum” which literally means “which was to be demonstrated”. It is commonly used to indicate that something has been definitely proven.

With this is mind, Q.E.D is responsible for organising and planning for activities that will display and highlight the usefulness and practicality of Quantitative Finance, such as seminars conducted by industry experts and intra and inter school competitions. QED also undertakes the responsibility of exposing members of the SMU community to Quantitative Finance by encouraging participation in its activities.

The QED 19th Executive Committee comprises:

President :Teo Jia Jun
Vice-President :Harini Muthusubramanian
Honorary General Secretary :Koh Hwee Ching
Marketing & Corporate Relations Director :Prisha Sethia
Finance & Events :Leonel Lim

For further queries or to contact QED Executive Committee, please email qed@sa.smu.edu.sg

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