Research Publications in 2009
"Anticipating Adaptation to Products", by Jing (Jane) WANG, Nathan NOVEMSKY, and Ravi DHAR, 2009, 36, Journal of Consumer Research
"Customer Satisfaction and Stock Returns Risk", by Kapil TULI and Sundar BHARADWAJ, 11/2009, 73, 6, Journal of Marketing, American Marketing Association, 184-197
“Marketing Strategy and Wall Street: Nailing Down Marketing’s Impact” by HANSSENS, D.M. (Dominique), RUST, R.T. (Roland) and Rajendra Kumar SRIVASTAVA, 2009, 73, Journal of Marketing,115-118
"Regulatory Exposure of Deceptive Marketing and its Impact on Firm Value", by Martha Myslinski TIPTON, Sundar BHARADWAJ, and Diana ROBERTSON, 11/2009, 73, 6, Journal of Marketing, American Marketing Association, 227-243, United States Of America
"Response to Goldberg, Healey and Hasher, Sternthal and Benezzi", by Catherine A. COLE, Carolyn C. YOON, and Pui Yee, Michelle LEE, 2009, Journal of Consumer Psychology
"Opportunity Cost Neglect in Consumer Choice", by Jing (Jane) WANG, Shane FREDERICK, Nathan NOVEMSKY, Ravi DHAR, and Stephen NOWLIS, 12/2009, Journal of Consumer Research
"Technology Convergence: When Do Consumers Prefer Converged Products to Dedicated Products?", by Jin K. HAN, Seh-Woong CHUNG, and Yong Seok SOHN, 07/2009, 73, July, Journal of Marketing, 97-108
"Who I Am and How I Think: The Impact of Self-Construal on the Roles of Internal and External Reference Prices in Price Evaluations", by Cathy Yi CHEN, 07/2009, 19, 3, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 416-426
"Word-of Mouth Transmission in Settings with Multiple Opinions: The Impact of Other Opinions on WOM Likelihood and Valence", by Gangseog RYU and Jin K. HAN, 07/2009, 19, 3, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 403-415
Research Publications in 2010
"An interview with Vinita Bali, MD and CEO of Britannia India Ltd", by Karempudi Srinivas REDDY, 2010, Marketing Intelligence Review, 52-60
"An Investigation of Value Updating Bidders in Simultaneous Online Art Auctions", by Mayukh DASS, Lynne SEYMOUR, and Srinivas K. REDDY, 2010, Journal of Probability and Statistics
"Disambiguating the Role of Ambiguity in Contrast and Assimilation Effects", by Pui Yee, Michelle LEE and K. SUK, 2010, Journal of Consumer Research
"Regulatory Focus, Regulatory Fit, and the Search and Consideration of Choice Alternatives", by Michel Tuan PHAM and Hanwen Hannah CHANG, 12/2010, 37, December, Journal of Consumer Research, 626-640
"Ties that Bind: The Impact of Multiple Types of Ties with a Customer on Sales Growth and Sales Volatility", by Kapil TULI, Sundar BHARADWAJ, and Ajay KOHLI, 01/2010, 47, 1, Journal of Marketing Research, American Marketing Association, 36-50, United States Of America
"Tradeoffs and Depletion in Choice", by Jing (Jane) WANG, Nathan NOVEMSKY, Ravi DHAR, and Roy BAUMEISTER, 10/2010, 47, 5, Journal of Marketing Research, 910-919
"Utilization of Business Technologies: Managing Relationship-Based Benefits for Buying and Supplying Firms", by Namwoon KIM, Jae H PAE, Jin K. HAN, and Rajendra Kumar SRIVASTAVA, 04/2010, 39, 3, Industrial Marketing Management, 473-484
Research Publications in 2011
"Art for Reward’s Sake: Visual Art Recruits Ventral Striatum", by Simon LACEY, Henrik HAGVEDT, Vanessa PATRICK, Amy ANDERSON, Randall STILLA, Gopikrishna DESHPANDE, Hu XIAOPING, Joao SATO, Karempudi Srinivas REDDY, and Krish SATHIAN, 2011, 55, NeuroImage, 420-433
"Calibrating MBA Job Preferences for the 21st Century", by David B. MONTGOMERY and C.A. RAMUS, 2011, 10, 1, Academy of Management: Learning and Education, 9-26
"Modeling Multichannel Home Video Demand in the U.S. Motion Picture Industry", by Anirban MUKHERJEE and Vrinda KADIYALI, 12/2011, 48, 6, Journal of Marketing Research
"The Impact of Brand Quality on Shareholder Value", by Kapil Rajendra Kumar TULI, Sundar BHARADWAJ, and Andre BONFRER, 2011, 75, 5, Journal of Marketing, American Marketing Association, 88-104, United States Of America
Research Publications in 2012
"Affective Facilitation and Inhibition of Cultural Influences on Reasoning", by Minkyung KOO, Gerald L. CLORE, Jongmin KIM, and Incheol CHOI, 2012, 26, 4, Cognition and Emotion, 680-9
"Communication Strategies for Enhancing the Perceived Fit in the CSR Sponsorship Context", by Yong Seok SOHN, Jin K. HAN, and Sung-Hack LEE, 2012, 31, 1, International Journal of Advertising, 133-146
"First Mover/ Pioneer Strategies", by M.B LIEBERMAN and David Bruce MONTGOMERY, in Handbook of Marketing Strategy, edited by V. Shankar and G. Carpenter, Edward Elgar, 2012
"Implemented Strategies in Business-to- Business Contexts", by A.G WOODSIDE, H.M PATTINSON, and David Bruce MONTGOMERY, in Advances in Business Marketing & Purchasing (Volume 18), edited by Glynn, M.S. and A.G. Woodside, Emerald, 2012.
"On the Value Relevance of Retailer Advertising Spending and Same-store Sales Growth", by Kapil Rajendra Kumar TULI, Anirban MUKHERJEE, and Marnik DEKIMPE, 2012, 88, 2012, 4, Journal of Retailing
"Spillover Effects of Ingredient Branded Strategies on Brand Choice: A Field Study", by Swaminathan VANITHA, Karempudi Srinivas REDDY, and Sara Loughran DOMMER, 2012, Marketing Letters, 23, 237-251
"Technological Expectation and Consumer Preferences for Product Form", by Seh Woong CHUNG, Jin K. HAN, and Yong Seok SOHN, 2012, 69, 9, Journal of Business Research, 1290-1294

Research Publications in 2013
Journal Articles
"Adding Small Differences Can Increase Similarity and Choice", by Jongmin KIM, Nathan NOVEMSKY, and Ravi DHAR, 02/2013, 24, 2, Psychological Science, 225-9
"Affect as a Decision-Making System of the Present", by Hanwen Hannah CHANG and Michel Tuan PHAM, 06/2013, 40, 1, Journal of Consumer Research, 42-63
"Conundra and Progress: Research on Entry Order and Performance", by M.B LIEBERMAN and David Bruce MONTGOMERY, 2013, 46, Long Range Planning, 312-324
"Outsourcing of Customer-Facing CRM Processes: When and How Does It Impact Shareholder Value?", by Kalaignanam KARTIK, Tarun KUSHWAHA, J.B. STEENKAMP, and Kapil Rajendra Kumar TULI, 03/2013, 59, Management Science, 748-769

Research Publications in 2014
Journal Articles
“Future scenarios for management education”,by Thomas, Howard, Michelle Lee & Alexander Wilson (2014), Journal Of Management Development, 33, 5, p. 503-519.
"A Network Bidder Behavior Model in Online Auctions: A case of Fine Art Auctions", by Mayukh DASS, Srinivas K. REDDY, and Dawn IACOBUCCI, 12/2014, 90, 4, Journal of Retailing, 445-462
"Social Networks among Auction Bidders: The Role of Key Bidders and Structural Properties on Auction Prices", by Mayukh DASS, Karempudi Srinivas REDDY, and Dawn IACOBUCCI, 05/2014, 37, Social Networks, 14-28
"Ratings Lead You To The Product, Reviews Help You Clinch It : The Dynamics and Impact of Online Review Sentiments on Products Sales", by Nan HU, Noi Sian KOH, and Karempudi Srinivas REDDY, 01/2014, 57, Decision Support Systems, 42-53
Books and Monographs
"Securing the Future of Management Education: Competitive Destruction or Constructive Innovation", by Howard THOMAS, Michelle LEE, Lynne THOMAS, and Alexander WILSON, Emerald Group, Bingley, UK, 2014

Research Publications in 2015
Journal Articles
Hong, Jiewen and Hannah H. Chang* (2015), "I Follow My Heart and We Rely on Reasons: The Impact of Self-Construal on Reliance on Feelings versus Reasons in Decision Making,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (April), 1392-1411. * Equal authorship
-- selected as one of the “must-reads for marketers” on the MSI Academic Trustees Reading List 2015
Kim, Junghan and Arun Lakshmanan (2015), “How Kinetic Property Shapes Novelty Perceptions,” Journal of Marketing, 79 (6), 94–111.
Adina Robinson Barbulescu, Kapil R. Tuli, and Ajay K. Kohli (2015), “When Does Brand Licensing Lead to Positive Financial Outcomes?” Management Science, 61 (6), 1436-55

Research Publications in 2016
Journal Articles
Mallapragada, Girish, Sandeep R. Chandukala and Qing Liu (2016), “Exploring the Effects of What (Product) and Where (Website) Characteristics on Online Shopping Behavior”, Journal of Marketing, 80(2), 21-38.
George, Gerard, Ernst C. Osinga, Dovev Lavie, and Brent A. Scott (2016), “Big Data and Data Science Methods for Management Research,” Academy of Management Journal, 59 (October), 1493-1507.

Research Publications in 2017
Journal Articles
Lobschat, Lara, Ernst C. Osinga, and Werner Reinartz (2017), “What Happens Online Stays Online? - Segment- Specific Online and Offline Effects of Banner Advertisements,” Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming.
Chandukala, Sandeep R., Jeffrey P. Dotson and Qing Liu (2017), "An Assessment of When, Where and Under What Conditions In-Store Sampling is Most Effective," Journal of Retailing, 93 (4), 493-506.
Han, Yoonju, Sandeep R. Chandukala and Hai Che, (2017) “Exchange and Refund of Complementary Products,” Marketing Letters, 28(1), 113-125.
Mukherjee, Anirban, and Vrinda Kadiyali. “The Competitive Dynamics of New DVD Releases.” Management Science, forthcoming.
Ghosh, Dipanjan, Andrew Olewnik, Kemper Lewis, Junghan Kim, and Arun Lakshaman (2017), “Cyber-Empathic Design: A Data-Driven Framework for Product Design,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 139 (9), 1–12.
* Honorable Mention of the 2017 JMD Editors' Choice Award
Emanuel, Bayer, Kapil R. Tuli, and Bernd Skiera (2016), “Do Disclosures of Customer Metrics Lower Investors’ and Analysts’ Uncertainty, But Hurt Firm Performance?” Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming
Lin, Stephanie C., Julian J. Zlatev, and Dale T. Miller (2017), “Moral Traps: When Self-serving Attributions Backfire in Prosocial Behavior,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 198-203.

Research Publications in 2018
Journal Articles
Chang, Hannah H. and Iris W. Hung (2018), “Mirror, Mirror on the Retail Wall: Self-focused Attention Promotes Reliance on Feelings in Consumer Decisions,” Journal of Marketing Research, 55 (August), 586–599.
Chang, Hannah H. and Michel Tuan Pham (2018), "Affective Boundaries of Scope Insensitivity," Journal of Consumer Research, 45 (August), 403–428.
Schaerer, M., du Plessis, C., Yap, A. J., & Thau, S. (2018). Low power individuals in social power research: A quantitative review, theoretical framework, and empirical test. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 149, 73 – 96.
Le Mens, Gael, Jerker Denrell, Balazs Kovacs, and Hulya Karaman (2018), “Information Sampling, Judgment and the Environment: Application to the Effect of Popularity on Evaluations”, Topics in Cognitive Science, forthcoming.
Lin, Stephanie C. and Taly Reich (2018), “To Give or Not to Give? Choosing Chance Under Moral Conflict,” Journal of Consumer Psychology (Special Issue: Marketplace Morality), 28(2), 211-233.
Liu, Peggy J.* and Stephanie C. Lin* (2018), “Projecting Lower Competence to Maintain Moral Warmth in the Avoidance of Prosocial Requests,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28(1), 23-29. (*equal contribution)
Huang, Szu-chi, Stephanie C. Lin, and Ying Zhang (conditionally accepted), “When Individual Goal Pursuit Turns Competitive: How We Sabotage and Coast,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Lim, Leon Gim, Kapil R. Tuli, and Marnik Dekimpe (2018), “Investors’ Evaluation of Price-Increase Preannouncements,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, Forthcoming