Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Melvyn TEO
Full-time Faculty
Lee Kong Chian Professor of Finance; Deputy Dean (Faculty)
2002 | PhD in Economics, Harvard University |
1998 | MA in Economics, Harvard University |
1997 | BA in Economics and Mathematics (cum laude), Cornell University |
Current Position(s) Held
2017 – Now |
Deputy Dean (Faculty & Research) |
2011 – 2016 | Associate Dean (Research) Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University |
2016 – Now | Lee Kong Chian Professor of Finance, Singapore Management University |
2011 - Now | Professor of Finance Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University |
2007 - 2013 | Director, BNP Paribas Hedge Fund Centre |
Research Interests
- Empirical Asset Pricing
- Hedge Funds
- Behavioral Finance
Service To The Profession
- Session Chair, China International Conference in Finance, Beijing 2024
- Track Chair, European Finance Association Meeting, Bratislava 2024
- Track Chair, European Finance Association Meeting, Amsterdam 2023
- Track Chair, European Finance Association Meeting, Barcelona 2022
- Track Chair, European Finance Association Meeting, Milan 2021
Awards, Recognition & Honors
- Third Prize, The 9th Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award (Humanities and Social Sciences), Ministry of Education, People's Republic of China, 2024
- Dean’s Teaching Honors List - LKCSB Postgraduate Programmes, SMU, 2019–2022
- Jack Treynor Prize, Q-Group, 2017
- Lee Kong Chian Professorship, SMU, 2016 - Now
- Singapore Ministry of Education Tier 2 grant, MOE, 2015-2017
- Distinguished Teacher Award Nominee, SMU, 2011
- Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship for Research Excellence, SMU, 2009-2010.
- Best Paper presented at Inquire UK, Inquire UK, 2009.
- Commonfund Prize for Best Paper, European Finance Association, 2007
- Research Excellence on Alternative Investments and Hedge Funds in Asia, INSEAD and AIMA, 2006
- Lee Foundation Fellowship for Research Excellence, SMU, 2002 - 2003
- Derek Bok Center Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard, September 2001 - May 2002
- Dean's List, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University, 1994 - 1997
- Public Service Commission Overseas Merit Scholarship, Government of Singapore, 1994 - 1998
Journal Articles (Refereed)
- Diverse Hedge Funds (with Yan Lu and Narayan Y. Naik), Review of Financial Studies 37, 639–683, February 2024.
- Responsible Hedge Funds (with Hao Liang and Lin Sun), Review of Finance 26, 1585–1633, November 2022.
- Do Alpha Males Deliver Alpha? Facial Width-to-Height Ratio and Hedge Funds (with Yan Lu), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 57, 1727–1770, August 2022.
- Hedge Fund Franchises (with William Fung, David Hsieh, and Narayan Y. Naik), Management Science 67, 1199–1226, February 2021.
- Public Hedge Funds (with Lin Sun), Journal of Financial Economics 131, 44–60, January 2019.
- Sensation Seeking and Hedge Funds (with Stephen Brown, Yan Lu, and Sugata Ray), Journal of Finance 73, 2871–2914, December 2018.
- Limited Attention, Marital Events, and Hedge Funds (with Yan Lu and Sugata Ray), Journal of Financial Economics 122, 607–624, December 2016.
- The Liquidity Risk of Liquid Hedge Funds, Journal of Financial Economics 100, 24–44, April 2011.
- Hedge Funds, Managerial Skill, and Macroeconomic Variables (with Doron Avramov, Robert Kosowski, and Narayan Y. Naik), Journal of Financial Economics 99, 672–692, March 2011.
- The Geography of Hedge Funds, Review of Financial Studies 22, 3531–3561, September 2009.
- Institutional Investors, Past Performance, and Dynamic Loss Aversion (with Paul O’Connell), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 44, 155–188, February 2009.
- Style Investing and Institutional Investors (with Kenneth Froot), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 43, 883–906, December 2008.
- Home Biased Analysts in Emerging Markets (with Sandy Lai), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 43, 685–716, September 2008.
- Do Hedge Funds Deliver Alpha? A Bayesian and Bootstrap Analysis (with Robert Kosowski and Narayan Y. Naik), Journal of Financial Economics 84, 229–264, April 2007.
- Style Effects in the Cross-section of Stock Returns (with Sung-Jun Woo), Journal of Financial Economics 74, 367–398, November 2004.
- Testing Market Efficiency using Statistical Arbitrage with Applications to Momentum and Value Strategies (with Steve Hogan, Robert Jarrow, and Mitch Warachka), Journal of Financial Economics 73, 525–565, September 2004.