Work-Study Degree

Bachelor of Business Management (Private Banking) SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree

Third-year BBM Singaporean students majoring in Finance who are interested in private banking may apply to this inaugural Work-Study Degree. Selected students will undergo an 8-month intensive internship with DBS and be rotated through the relevant departments within the bank to gain practical skill sets and competencies. This initiative is supported by the government’s Financial Sector Development Fund (FSDF) which aims to build a Singaporean talent pipeline of job-ready graduates for the finance sector through structured Work-Study Degree internships at financial institutions.

Main Highlights:

  • 8-month internship at DBS from 9 Dec 2024 – 8 Aug 2025, which ends with students taking the CFA level I exam in Aug 2025. 
  • Successful completion of the internship will count for five course units towards the BBM degree.
  • Increased employability at graduation—a smooth transition from school to the workplace.

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