
Overview of Undergraduate Banking Track
The banking track allows students to learn about the workings of the banking sector: corporate banking, consumer banking, and investment banking. In corporate banking, you will learn the important intermediary role that banks play in helping companies obtain financing through loans. In consumer banking you will learn about the role that banks play in maturity transformation and the importance of access to credit for individuals. In investment banking, you will learn about the corporate advisory role that banks provide when companies want to raise capital directly from investors, or when they engage in acquisition activity. The vibrant banking sector in Singapore ensures that students on this track will have promising employment opportunities when they graduate.
Why Undergraduate Banking Track?
This track provides you with significant insights into:
- The process by which bankers provide loans to corporations
- The full range of banking products banks offer customers, including wealth management products
- The structuring of equity and debt transactions
- The managing of mergers and acquisitions
- The benefits of the universal banking model which helps bankers cross-sell products and services within the four major banking segments – corporate banking, individual banking, investment banking, and treasury
- The process by which universal banks diversify their risks across the different market segments
Organisations seeking such talent include:
- Corporate and private banks
- Consumer banks
- Other financial institutions
- Commercial organisation with treasury department
Please see below for track requirements (applicable for AY2019/2020 intake onwards). For intakes before AY2019/2020, please see pdf file for the requirements.
You will need to declare FNCE with Track in (BT) as your major and you must take:
Compulsory courses for Finance major:
- Corporate Finance (FNCE201)
- Corporate Reporting and Financial Analysis (ACCT201)
- Financial Markets and Investments (FNCE102) (This course replaces the old FNCE102 FIIM)
Additional compulsory courses for Banking Track:
- Retail Banking (FNCE225)
- Corporate Banking (FNCE229)
- Investment Banking (FNCE221)
Choose 2 other Banking Track electives listed below:
- Wealth Management and Advisory (FNCE217)
- Project Financing (FNCE232)
- Structured Products Sales and Trading (QF207)
- Analysis of Derivative Securities (FNCE305)
- Financial Innovation, Blockchains, and Decentralised Finance (FNCE313)
- Entrepreneurial Finance (FNCE213)
- Sustainable Finance (FNCE314)
- Mergers and Acquisitions (FNCE311)
- Behavioural Finance (FNCE312)
Contact Us
For enquiries, please contact:
Email: lkcsb_ug[at]
Telephone: 6808 5127