Finance Analytics

Overview of Undergraduate Finance Analytics Track
Analytics has wide application in Finance – recent years have seen a rise in financial technology, increased popularity of algorithmic trading, and greater use of analytics in asset management and capital markets.
The Infocomm Media 2025 masterplan ranks Big Data as one of the key strategic thrusts for the nation. Responding to the seminal role that analytics will play across a wide range of sectors and anticipating strong demand from employers, this track provides opportunities for students specialising in various disciplines to acquire up-to-date analytics skills and knowledge, which will no doubt give graduates a competitive edge in their chosen field.
Why Undergraduate Finance Analytics Track?
This track enables you to acquire and hone your data analysis and modelling skills. You will receive rigorous training in Finance, and will develop analytics skills specific to the finance sector through a wide range of core and elective modules covering data management, computational thinking, portfolio management, and analyses of different types of investments.
You will also take a newly developed course – financial innovation, which will empower you with skills related to new business models, to prepare you for new challenges arising from future innovations.
The Finance Analytics track will prepare you to have the necessary analytical skills for new jobs in the finance industry.
Please see below for track requirements (applicable for AY2019/2020 intake onwards). For intakes before AY2019/2020, please see pdf file for the requirements.
You will need to declare FNCE with Track in (FAT) as your major and you must take:
Compulsory courses for Finance major:
- Corporate Finance (FNCE201)
- Corporate Reporting and Financial Analysis (ACCT201)
- Financial Markets and Investments (FNCE102) (This course replaces the old FNCE102 FIIM)
Additional compulsory courses for Finance Analytics Track:
- Introduction to Business Analytics (MGMT108)/ IS217 Analytics Foundations*
- COR-IS1702 Computational Thinking/COR-IS1704 Computational Thinking and Programming
- Business Data Management (IS105)/ Data Management (IS112)
- Financial Innovation, Blockchains, and Decentralised Finance (FNCE313)
Choose 1 other Finance Analytics Track elective listed below
- Analytics in Finance and Real Estate (FNCE315)
- Analysis of Derivative Securities (FNCE305)
- Analysis of Equity Securities (FNCE203)
- Analysis of Fixed-Income Securities (FNCE204)
- International Finance (FNCE210)
- Advanced Portfolio Management (FNCE307)
- Analytics for Value Investing (ACCT421)
- Digital Banking Enterprise Architecture (IS.444)
- Retail Banking and Mobile Technology (IS419)
- Financial Markets Processes and Technology (IS423)
- Financial Analytics (IS453)
- Corporate Banking Technology (IS445)
*All students opting for LKCSB’s Analytics tracks should take Introduction to Business Analytics. For Finance Analytics Track’s students who enrol in Analytics Foundation instead of Introduction to Business Analytics, they will have to take an additional Finance Elective to fulfil the respective major’s requirement. Introduction to Business Analytics will be mutually exclusive to Analytics Foundation.
Contact Us
For enquiries, please contact:
Email: lkcsb_ug[at]
Telephone: 6808 5127