Wealth Management

Overview of Undergraduate Wealth Management Track
In recent years, the proliferation of investment products and innovative financial services has contributed to the steady growth of wealth management as an attractive and lucrative service sector within the financial industry around the world. At the same time, rapid product development and technological advancements, changing needs of clients, and globalisation of businesses are posing new challenges for professionals in wealth management. There is an ever-growing need for professional education and training programmes to enhance the level of knowledge and professional services in wealth management, especially in the Asia Pacific region.
Why Undergraduate Wealth Management Track?
This track grooms you to succeed in the wealth management sector of the global financial industry. It is a dynamic sector, as rapid product development, the changing needs of clients and globalisation are posing new challenges for wealth management professionals.
Organisations seeking such talent include:
- Commercial and private banks
- Fund Management Companies
- Investment Advisory Companies
Please see below for track requirements (applicable for AY2019/2020 intake onwards). For intakes before AY2019/2020, please see pdf file for the requirements.
You will need to declare FNCE with Track in (WMT) as your major and you must take:
Compulsory courses for Finance major:
- Corporate Finance (FNCE201)
- Corporate Reporting and Financial Analysis (ACCT201)
- Financial Markets and Investments (FNCE102) (This course replaces the old FNCE102 FIIM)
Additional compulsory courses for Wealth Management Track:
- Wealth Management & Advisory (FNCE217)
- Advanced Portfolio Management (FNCE307)
Choose 3 other Wealth Management Track electives listed below:
- Wealth Management and the Law (FNCE218)
- Sustainable Finance (FNCE314)
- International Finance (FNCE210)
- Analysis of Equity Securities (FNCE203)
- Analysis of Fixed-Income Securities (FNCE204)
- Analysis of Derivative Securities (FNCE305)
- Real Estate Valuation and Taxation (FNCE234)
- Entrepreneurial Finance (FNCE213)
- Behavioural Finance (FNCE312)