OBHR Research Seminar Series

Research Seminar Series

25 March 2025Florian Kunze
University of Konstanz
The Role of Political Climate for Integrating Migrants in the Workplace
10 March 2025Kaifeng Jiang
Peking University
Exploring the Antecedents of HRM Systems Accumulative Evidence and New Extensions
28 February 2025Anita Starzyk
NEOMA Business School
Disabled employee voice and voice work
21 February 2025Michael M. Gielnik
Leuphana University of Lüneburg
A path-centric account of entrepreneurship training’s long-term transfer
18 October 2024Chris Berry
Indiana University
Challenging the Role of General Mental Ability in Personnel Selection: Implications for Diversity in Organizations
25 March 2024Shenghua Luan
University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Studying Smart Heuristics: Guiding Principles and Methods
15 March 2024Mengzi Jin
Peking University
Gender Dynamics in Autonomous Idea Championing and Creativity Evaluations
23 February 2024Samantha Sim
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Lead me tender, lead me true: Leader compassion facilitates high quality relationships through resource exchange and authenticity
24 March 2023Bonnie H. Cheng 
University of Hong Kong
Serving you serves me: Servant leadership enhances leaders’ performance and well-being
21 March 2023James M. Diefendorff 
The University of Akron
Emotional Exhaustion Across the Workday:  Person-Level and Day-Level Predictors of Workday Emotional Exhaustion Growth Curves
17 February 2023Sally Maitlis
University of Oxford
Hiding in Plain Sight: A Study of Leaders with Depression and Anxiety
10 February 2023Kevin Rockmann
George Mason University
It's not (just) about the beer: Multiplex social exchange relationships in the craft brewing industry
16 September 2022Emily M. David
China Europe International Business School
Authenticity or Self-Enhancement? Effects of Self-Presentation and Authentic Leadership on Trust and Performance
9 April 2021Krishna Savani
Nanyang Technological University
Reducing gender bias in perceptions of leadership ability: Role of managers’ implicit theories about the universality of leadership potential
25 September 2020Abhishek Sheetal
Nanyang Technological University
Machine Learning Research in Management: Getting Started
14 February 2020Jonas W.B. Lang
Ghent University
Measuring Implicit Motives at Work: A Review of Recent Progress and Future Research Agenda
17 January 2020Jason Shaw
Nanyang Technological University
How do Social Networks Work?
9 January 2020Marshall Schminke
University of Central Florida
Obesity in organizations (It’s bigger than you think!)
10 January 2020Maureen L. Ambrose
University of Central Florida
You’re Welcome!: An Examination of the  Relationship between Perceptions of Subordinate Appreciation and Supervisor Outcomes
8 April 2019Paul R. Sackett
University of Minnesota
New Developments in Stereotype Threat: Implications for High Stakes testing?
15 March 2019Richard Landers
University of Maryland
Gamified and Game-based Assessment: A New Frontier in Employee Selection
15 March 2019Paul van Lange
Vrije Universiteit
In Pursuit of the Social Mind
8 March 2019David G. Allen
Texas Christian University
A Relational Architecture of Employee Turnover
1 February 2019Niels Van Quaquebeke
Kühne Logistics University
What is the most underappreciated leadership communication technique? 
25 January 2019Gilad Chen
University of Maryland
Multiple Team Membership and Empowerment Spillover Effects: Can Empowerment Processes Cross Team Boundaries?
23 November 2018Joe Gladstone
University College London
Love, Lies, and Money: Financial Infidelity within Married Couples
16 November 2018Niels Van Quaquebeke
Kühne Logistics University
The benefit of abusive supervision: Follower guilt!
19 March 2018Chen-Bo Zhong
University of Toronto
Market Foresters Tolerance
23 February 2018Madan Pillutla
London Business School
Gender Differences in Competition
2 February 2018Lisa Leslie
New York University
On Melting Pots and Salad Bowls: A Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Identity-Blind and Identity-Conscious Diversity Ideologies 
29 August 2017Margaret Lee
London Business School
Discrimination against Attractive Candidates in Selection for Undesirable Jobs
9 May 2017Jason D. Shaw
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Preliminary reports from the global field: The IMPACT Project
16 September 2016Sun Young (Sunny) Lee
UCL School of Management
Gender Differences in Response to Competition with Same-Gender Coworkers: A Relational Perspective
24 June 2016Stefan Diestal
International School of Management in Dortmund
Psychological costs of emotional labour and self-control at work
22 April 2016Mariano Heyden
The University of Newcastle
The ‘crazy’ in our midst? The influence of individual and group schizotypal tendencies on creativity
24 March 2016Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang
Michigan State University
Costs of a stressful commute: Implications for work behaviors
22 March 2016Russell Johnson
Michigan State University
When good leaders break bad: Moral licensing and ego depletion consequences of ethical leader behavior
25 February 2016Ute Hülsheger
Maastricht University
Mindfulness in the Context of Work
12 February 2016Scott J. Reynolds
Foster School of Business, University of Washington
Mindfulness and Moral Behavior in the Organization
24 November 2015Hans-Dieter Evers
University of Bielefeld
Governing the South China Sea – Culture and Connectivity
13 November 2014Gilad Chen
Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland
Learning from Voice: When Member Voice Translates into Improved Team Learning and Performance
12 September 2014Nicole Gillespie
UQ Business School, University of Queensland 
Trust in Self-Managed Teams: The Joint Effects of Team Composition and Emergent Interactional and Structural Processes
18 July 2014Eugene Kim
Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology
Can Status Make You Thin? The Relationship between Status Change and Weight Change
28 February 2014Jochen Runde
Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Uncovering Unknown Unknowns: Towards a Baconian Approach to Management Decision-Making
7 February 2014Alicia A. Grandey
The Pennsylvania State University
Emotional Labor at the Crossroads: Where have we been and where should we go?
10 January 2014Theresa Glomb
Carlson School of Management,University of Minnesota
Building Positive Resources: Effects of Positive Events and Positive Reflection on Work-Stress and Health
1 March 2013Roy Chua
Harvard Business School
The Costs of Ambient Cultural Disharmony: Indirect Intercultural Conflicts in Social Environment Undermine Creativity
23 January 2013Kerrie Unsworth
University of Western Australia
Going Green: The Role of Goals
4 December 2012Scott Highhouse
Bowling Green State University
Self Presentation Motives in Decision Making
9 November 2012David De Cremer
China Europe International Business School, Shanghai
When, Why and How people Value Apologies: On Exploring the Psychology of Apologies in Trust Failures
6 March 2012Natalia Karelaia
Identity Challenges of Women Leaders: Antecedents and Consequences of Identity Interference
23 February 2012Kanchan Mukherjee
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India
Assessing the Chances of Success: Naive Statistics vs. Kind Experience 
25 March 2011David Day
University of Western Australia
Integrative Leader Development: Charting and Understanding Developmental Trajectories
3 March 2011Spencer H. Harrison
Caroll School of Management, Boston College
The Role of Hope in Organizing: The Case of The Andes Flight Disaster
19 January 2011Karl Aquino
University of British Columbia
Third Parties' Reaction To Justice Failure: An Identity-Based Meaning Maintenance Model
7 January 2011Richard John Gentry
University of Mississippi
Performance Relative To Security Analysts' Earnings Forecasts, Analyst Coverage, and Firm R&D Intensity
4 November 2010Carol Kulick
University of South Australia
Effectively Managing A Diverse Workforce: Is Good Diversity Management Just Good Management?
30 June 2010Michael A. Hitt
Texas A&M University
Emerging Markets' Institutional Environments and Firm Strategies
3 June 2010Joseph F. Porac
New York University
Fallen CEOs: Matthew and Martha Status Dynamics in the Upper Echelon of Organizations
12 May 2010Christian Troester
Erasmus University
Bridging Faultlines: The Effect of Team Network Structure and Faultlines on Team Performance
18 February 2010Marcel Zeelenberg
Tilburg University
What Is Moral About Moral Emotions?
26 January 2010Terence R. Mitchell
University of Washington
Organizational Attachment: Why People Leave and Why They Stay
21 January 2010Michele J. Gelfand
Department of Psychology, University of Maryland
Culture and social situations: A multilevel analysis of situational constraint across 35 nations
23 March 2009Martin Kilduff
Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Brokering Trust to Enhance Leadership: A Self-Monitoring Approach to Leadership Emergence
16 March 2009Russell S. Cropanzano
Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
Intraunit Justice Climate: Development and Validation of a New Construct
28 January 2009Markus Baer
John M. Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis
Win or Lose the Battle for Creativity: The Power and Perils of Intergroup Competition
3 September 2008 (Joint seminar with NUS Business School)Cecily D. Cooper
Department of Management, University of Miami
How the Guilty Regain Trust: The Role of Accounts, Actions, and Attributions
5 June 2008Miguel A. Quinones
Department of Management and Organizations, Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Explaining Differences in Reactions to Organizational Change: The Role of an Individual's Stage of Change
4 June 2008Steven L McShane
The University of Western Australia
Reconstructing the Meaning and Multidimensionality of Voice in the Exit-Voice-Loyalty-Neglect (EVLN) Model
2 May 2008Riki Takeuchi
Management of Organizations Department, School of Business and Management, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Social Information Processing Model of Organizational Justice: Moderating Effects of Informational Justice
24 March 2008Blake Ashforth
Department of Management, W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
Organizational Sacralization and Sacrilege
7 January 2008Michael Frese
Department of Psychology, University of Giessen
Entrepreneurship and Personal Initiative: Individual Contributions to Organizational Growth and Development
2 November 2007Richard Arvey
Department of Management and Organization, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore
Genetic and Environmental Components of Leadership Role Occupancy
26 October 2007John Cordery
UWA Business School, The University of Western Australia
Contextual Influences on the Effectiveness of Team-based Work Designs
4 April 2007Terry Connolly
Management and Organizations Department, Eller College, University of Arizona
The Power of What Might Have Been: Regret and the Shaping of Decisions
20 March 2007Sandra Robinson
Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Division, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Reactions to Territorial Infringement
5 March 2007Kwok Leung
Department of Management, City University of Hong Kong
Methods and Design for International Management Research
12 February 2007Neal M. Ashkanasy
UQ Business School, University of Queensland
Research on Emotion in Organizations: A Multilevel Perspective
13 November 2006James M Diefendorff
Department of Psychology, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Akron
The Relations of Motivational Traits with Workplace Deviance
23 October 2006Filip Lievens
Department of Personnel Management, Work & Organizational Psychology, Ghent University
Assessment Centers: Recent Research Developments and Future Prospects
28 September 2006Daniel McAllister
Department of Management & Organisation, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore
Disentangling Role Perceptions: How Perceived Role Breadth, Discretion, Instrumentality and Efficacy Relate to Helping and Taking Charge
4 April 2006W. Richard Scott
Department of Sociology, Stanford University
Institutional Theory: Foundations, Elaboration and Recent Developments
28 March 2006W. Richard Scott
Department of Sociology, Stanford University
Organising for the 21st Century
21 March 2006Zhang Zhi-Xue
Department of Organisational Management, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University , Beijing
Effects of Negotiators' Reference Points and Perspective-taking on the Process and Outcome of Dyadic Negotiation
13 March 2006Jiing-Lih (Larry) Farh
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Individual-level Cultural Values as Moderators of Perceived Support-Employee Outcomes Relationships in China : Comparing the Effects of Power Distance and Traditionality
7 March 2006Professor Cynthia D. Fisher
Workshop: Experience Sampling Research: An Introduction to Rationales, Methods, and Opportunities
6 March 2006Professor Cynthia D. Fisher
Bond University
Within-Person Variation Over Time: A Neglected Level in Organisational Research
27 February 2006Dean Tjosvold
Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Making Conflict Productive: Can Asian Values Contribute?
16 January 2006Jeffrey Pfeffer
Tommie Goh Professor in Entrepreneurship & Business at Singapore Management University (Visiting), Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University
The Dominance of Economic Theory and Its Effects: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and the Effect of Theory
6 May 2005Denise Rousseau
Carneige Mellon University
I-Deals-Idiosyncratic Terms in Employment Relationships
29 April 2005Kenneth Law
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
The Antecedents and Consequences of Successful Localisation in the PRC
4 April 2005Barbara Lawrence
University of California, Los Angeles
Organisational Reference Groups: A Missing Perspective on Social Context  
4 March 2005Lin Yimin
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Sweatshop and Beyond: Authority Relations in Domestic Private Enterprises in China
28 February 2005Emily Nason
University of California, Los Angeles
Uncertainty & Fairness Judgments: The Role of Information Ambiguity
6 December 2004Giles Hirst
Aston Business School, Aston University
When Things Go Wrong: Identifying Factors Which Moderate the Relationship between Goal Frustrating Events and Learning and Creativity
17 November 2004Steven L. McShane
Graduate School of Management, University of Western Australia
Emerging Cross-Cultural Issues in Organisational Behaviour
24 September 2004Don Ferrin
Singapore Management University
Effectiveness of Corporate Leaders' Trust Repair Efforts'
17 September 2004Scott Highhouse
Bowling Green State University
Future Job Seekers' Images of Well-Known Firms

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