The Mindfulness Initiative @ SMU offers and collaborates on several exciting programmes in an effort to make secular mindfulness-based approaches more widely accessible. Learn more about these programmes here.

SMU Faculty are constantly engaging in rigorous research on mindfulness. Access published papers, volunteer as research participant, or see how your organization can collaborate with Mindfulness Initiative @ SMU on secular mindfulness-based programmess.

Mindfulness Initiative @ SMU is excited to offer Teacher Training Courses for those interested in teaching mindfulness. Find out more and register for a course that is right for you!

We offer several opportunities to connect with others, for the SMU community (students, staff, faculty) and beyond.


Mindfulness-Based Strategic Awareness Training – Teacher Training (MBSAT-TT)
Mindfulness-Based Strategic Awareness Training (MBSAT) is a secular, contemporary training method to enhance personal resources and enable skillful and wise decision making at work and in personal matters. It is grounded in ancient mindfulness techniques and adjusted to today’s challenges and needs while maintaining depth and rigor.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an empirically-supported 8-week psycho-educational group intervention that teaches mindfulness meditation as a health intervention. MBSR offers participants the possibility to develop a different relationship to stress resulting from chronic physical and psychological illnesses.

Mindful Self-Compassion for Well-Being (MSC)
Mindful Self-Compassion workshop is designed to help one cultivate the skill of self-compassion and to teach core principles and practices of kindness, care and understanding for the self and for responding to difficult moments in our lives.

SMU Library Curation: Resource Guide on Mindfulness
The SMU Library has curated an online resource guide consisting various articles, books, videos, audio guides, and podcasts on mindfulness to engage the SMU community on the practice of mindfulness. Click below to view more.