One Day Mindfulness Workshop

Day of Mindfulness retreat

As graduates of the MBSR program, we recognize the transformative power of mindfulness. Now, we invite you to join us as we take a deliberate pause from the demands of our daily lives and immerse ourselves fully in a day of presence and reflection.

A sacred space for us to slow down and step away from the hustle and bustle of our routines and a moment of respite from the constant stream of thoughts and distractions. Through this retreat, we create extra space to explore our inner landscape and cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves.

 We'll engage in a variety of mindfulness practices, including guided meditation sessions, mindful walking, gentle yoga, and mindful eating. These practices will help us anchor our awareness in the present moment and cultivate a sense of calm and clarity.

Join us for a day of rejuvenation and self-discovery.

"In today’s rush, we all think too much — seek too much — want too much — and forget about the joy of just being." - Eckhart Tolle

The retreat will be led by Mohseena Parveen.
Mohseena Parveen is a qualified mindfulness teacher, trained in secular Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program from University of California, San Diego. She is also certified Laughter Yoga and Children’s mindfulness teacher. She holds certification in Positive psychology and is a licensed PA trainer. She comes from creative background of architecture and a successful career in media. She has conducted numerous mindfulness and laughter yoga workshops for corporates, universities, public events, and community centres.

Date: 11 May 2024 ( Saturday)

Time: 10am to 4pm

Cost: $49

Location: On-Site at SMU

We would recommend arriving early to settle in at your own pace before the retreat starts at 10:00 am.

Things to Bring / Prepare

  1. Yoga/gym mat or towel for lying down and gentle movement-based practices on the floor.
  2. Comfortable clothing that does not constrict your breathing, and allows you to stretch and move freely.

2)      Cushion or meditation pillow (optional) for those who want to sit on the ground - chairs will also be provided.

3)      Water bottle or something to drink (water dispensers are available within SMU premises for refill).

4)      Lunch pack: the Mindful lunch practice will take place around 12:45pm to 1:50pm and is an integral part of the Day of Mindfulness (instructions will be provided at the beginning of the lunch break).

  1. Whatever you need to make yourself comfortable and at ease during the day (e.g. shawl, socks, blanket, etc.).

Schedule Overview

  • No detailed schedule will be given in advance (just like in MBSR class) and practices will include those cover in the MBSR program such as body scan, gentle mindful movements (lying down/standing or on a chair), walking meditation & various sitting meditations (on the ground or on a chair).
  • All practices will be guided, except during lunch break where instructions will be provided at the beginning and you will be given time for your own practice.
  • During the mindful lunch break you will be able to stay in the room, or within SMU premises.
  • As there are no official breaks except for the mindful lunch, participants are allowed to step out for toilet break at their own timing, preferably when transitioning from one practice to another.

Silent Retreat: Since this is a silent retreat, we will ask each participant to turn off their mobile phone or put it on airplane mode (not vibration) for the entire day, including the mindful lunch break. The teacher will provide her mobile details to the registered participants in case of emergency.

A reminder email with further instructions will be sent out to the registered participants the week before the Day of Mindfulness.

Please register with us HERE
For more information, please email us at

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