Pre-Completion of Formalities

Pre-Completion of Formalities (Pre-COF)

Completion of medical examination report

The medical examination can be done in the student's home country if he/she has never resided in Singapore on any long-term immigration passes previously. However, it must be done on the prescribed medical report form and submitted with the relevant laboratory reports. An official translation of the laboratory reports is required if they are not in English.

Students who have been residing in Singapore on any other long-term immigration passes currently are required to undergo the medical examination in Singapore, if the medical examination was done more than 2 years ago.

At the time of submission, the laboratory reports must not be more than 3 months from the date of issue. Students who fail to fulfil the medical requirements will not be issued a Student's Pass.

Kindly complete the medical examination report and upload it to the ICA Portal. A few important things to note for the completion of the medical examination report: 

  • Information (as indicated in the passport) is accurately reflected in the medical examination and relevant laboratory reports.
  • The clinic’s stamp must be affixed to the medical examination report.
  • The examining doctor’s name and the date of the medical examination are clearly stated.
  • Upload both the laboratory report for HIV and the X-ray report along with the completed medical examination report.
  • If the medical report is in a foreign language, provide an official English translation.

Vaccination Details

If you are vaccinated overseas, you are required to have your vaccination records updated by a Singapore healthcare provider in the National Immunisation Registry (NIR). Please ensure that you fulfil the vaccination requirements for Student’s Pass Holders as advised by the Singapore healthcare provider. For more details, please refer to MOH's website.

For more information regarding the vaccination, please refer to the Vaccination details Document.


You may refer to the Pre-Completion of Formalities (COF) Process guide for more information.

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