Recent Publications

- "Optimizing Initial Screening for Colorectal Cancer Detection with Adherence Behavior", Yini Gao, He Y., Zhang, R., Zhichao Zheng, Lam, S.W., and Tan,E, accepted in Management Science, 2024.
- "Optimal policies and heuristics to match supply with demand for online retailing", Deng Q, Li X, Yun Fong LIM, Liu F, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 26(5), 2024.
- "Managing the personalized order-holding problem in online retailing", Chen S, Yan Z., Yun Fong LIM, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 26(1), 2024.
- "An Expontential Cone Programming Approach for Managing Electric Vehicle Charging", Li Chen, Long He, Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU accepted in Operations Research, 2023.
- "An Inertial triple-projection algorithm for solving the split feasibility problems", Dang, Y., Marcus ANG and Sun, J., Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 19(3), 2023.
- "Appointment Scheduling with Delay-Tolerance Heterogeneity", Wang, S. Li, Marcus ANG and Ng, T.S., accepted in INFORMS Journal of Computing, 2023.
- "Asymmetric information of product authenticity on C2C e-commerce platforms: How can inspection services help?", Li L, Xin FANG, Yun Fong LIM, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(2), 2023.
- "Dynamic scheduling with uncertain job types", Zuo-Jun Max Shen, Jingui Xie, Zhichao ZHENG, Han Zhou, European Journal of Operational Research, 309(3), 2023.
- "Economic and Environmental Implications of Biomass Commercialization in Agricultural Processing", Li Bin, BOYABATLI Onur, AVCI Buket, Management Science, 69(6), 2023.
- "Impacts of Distributive Comparison Behavior on Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains: The Role of Small Firms", Wang, M.Z., Xin FANG, Wang, Z.Z., & Chen, Y.J., Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(2), 2023.
- "Inventory-Responsive Donor Management Policy: A Tandem Queueing Network Model", Zhu., T., Yeo, N., Yini GAO, and Loke, G., Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(4), 2023.
- "Maximizing the benefits of an on-demand workforce: Fill-rate-based allocation and coordination mechanisms", Tao Lu, Zhichao ZHENG, Yuanguang Zhong, accepted in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
- "Not a Box of Nuts and Bolts: Distribution Channels for Specialty Drugs?, Liang XU, Mani Vidya, Hui Zhao, accepted in Production and Operations Management, 2023.
- "The impact of commodity price uncertainty on the economic value of waste-to-enery conversion in agricultural processing, Li Bin, BOYABATLI Onur, AVCI Buket, Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management, 16(3-4), 2023.
- "Vehicle rebalancing in a shared micromobility system with rider crowdsourcing", Jin Z, Wang Y, Yun Fong LIM, Pan K, Shen Z-JM, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25(4), 2023
- "Can Big Data Cure Risk Selection in Healthcare Capitation Programs? A Game Theoretical Analysis", Zhaowei SHE, T. Ayer, D. Montanera, published online at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2022.
- "Kickstarting an Ecosystem to Innovate", Arnoud De Meyer and P.J. Williamson, accepted in Management and Business Review, 2022.
- "Managing stochastic bucket brigades on discrete work stations", Wang P, Pan K, Yan Z, Yun Fong LIM, Production and Operations Management, 31(1), 2022.
- "On the test accuracy and effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Singapore", Guang Cheng, Yini GAO, Yancheng Yuan, Chenxiao Zhang, Zhichao ZHENG, INFORMS Journal of Applied Analytics, 52(6), 2022.
- "Optimal Channel Strategy of Luxury Brands in the Presence of Online Marketplace and Counterfeits", Yini GAO, LIm, W.S. and Ye, Z., European Journal of Operational Research, 308(2), 2022
- "Outcome-Based Reimbursement: The Solution to High Drug Spending?", Liang XU, Hongmin Li, Hui Zhao, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(4), 2022.
- "Putting Manufacturing on the Offensive", Arnoud De Meyer, A., K. Ferdows and A. Vereecke, Production and Operations Management, 2022.
- "Schedule reliability in liner shipping timetable design: A convex programming approach", Abraham Zhang, Zhichao ZHENG, Chung-Piaw Teo, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2022.
- "Stochastic knapsack revisited: The service level perspective", Guodong Lyu, Mable C. Chou, Chung-Piaw Teo, Zhichao ZHENG, Yuanguang Zhong, Operations Research, 70(2), 2022.
- "A queueing model for customer rescheduling and no-shows in service systems", Yue Tang, Houyuan JIang, Jingui Xie, Zhichao ZHENG, Operations Research Letters, 49(6), 2021.
- "Analytics for Hospital Resource Planning - Two Case Studies", Xie, J., Zhuang, W., Marcus ANG, Chou, M.C., Li, L, and Yao, D.D, Production and Operations Management, 30(6), 2021.
- "Forecasting airport transfer passenger flow using real-time data and machine learning", X. Guo, Y. Grushka-Cockayne, Bert De Reyck, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2021.
- "Inducing Compliance with Post-market Studies for Drugs Under FDA's Accelerated Approval Pathway", Liang XU, Hui Zhao, Nicolas C. Petruzzi, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(1), 2021.
- "Integrating Anticipative Replenishment Allocation with Reactive Fulfillment for Online Retailing Using Robust Optimization", Yun Fong LIM, Jiu S. and Marcus ANG, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(6), 2021.
- "Inventory Sharing and Demand-Side Underweighting", Hui Zhao, Liang XU, Siemsen Enno, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(5), 2021.
- "Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles: An Innovative Business Model for Utility Firms", Owen Wu, Safak Yucel, Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU, accepted to Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2021.
- "Turning the Tables: Licensing with Reciprocal Options", Taneri N., Pascale CRAMA, published online at Management Science, 2021.
- "Urban Consolidation Center or Peer-to-Peer Platform? The Solution to Urban Last-Mile Delivery", Qiyuan Deng, Xin FANG, Yun Fong LIM, Production and Operations Management, 30(4), 2021.
- "A Data-Driven Analysit on the Impact of High-Speed Rails on Land PRices in Taiwan", Joyce LOW, Lee, B.K., Applied Sciences, 10(10), 2020.
- "A two-stage parallel network DEA model for analyzing the operational capability of container terminals", Park, J.H., Lee, B.K., Joyce LOW, forthcoming in Maritime Policy and Management, 2020.
- "Cooperative Approaches to Managing Social Responsibility in a Market with Externalities", Xin FANG, Soo-Haeng Cho, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22(6), 2020.
- "Flexibly serving a finite number of heterogeneous jobs in a tandem system", Yun Fong LIM, Lu B., Rowan WANG, Zhang W., Production and Operations Management, 29(6), 2020.
- "London Heathrow Airport Uses Real-Time Analytics for Improving Operations", X. Guo, Y. Grushka-Cockayne, Bert De Reyck, INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 50(5), 2020.
- "Managing clinic variability with same-day scheduling, intervention for no-shows, and seasonal capacity adjustments", T. Cayirli, Kum Khiong YANG, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 71(1), 2020.
- "Strategic intent of OBOR: Enhancing energy supply resilience", Tang, Loon Ching, Joyce LOW, Journal of Shipping and Trade, 2020.
- "We Are on the Way: Analysis of On-Demand Ride-Hailing Systems", Guiyun FENG, Guangwen Kong and Zizhuo Wang. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2020.
- "Altering the environment to improve appointment system performance, T. Cayirli, Kum Khiong YANG, INFORMS Service Science, 11(2), 2019.
- "An exploratory study on the effects of human, technical and operating factors on aviation safety", Joyce LOW, Kum Khiong YANG, Journal of Transportation and Safety and Security, 11(6), 2019.
- "Capacity allocation in flexible production networks: Theory and applications", Guodong Lyu, Wang-Chi Cheung, Mable C. Chou, Chung-Piaw Teo, Zhichao ZHENG, Yuanguang Zhong, Management Science, 65(11), 2019.
- "Combating Child Labor: Incentives and Information Disclosure in Global Supply Chains", Soo-Haeng Cho, Xin FANG, Sridhar R. Tayur and Ying Xu, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21(3), 2019.
- "Corn, Soybeans or Fallow: Dynamic Farmland Allocation under Uncertainty", Onur BOYABATLI, J. Nasiry, Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU, Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management, Vol 12, No 2-3, 2019.
- "Crop Planning in Sustainable Agriculture: Dynamic Farmland Allocation in the Presence of Crop Rotation Benefits", Onur BOYABATLI, Javad Nasiry, Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU, Management Science, 65(5), 2019.
- "Disruption Risk Mitigation in Supply Chains - The Risk Exposure Index Revisited", Yini GAO, Simchi-levi, D., Teo, C.P., Yan Z, Operations Research, 67(3), 2019.
- "Effects of rescheduling on patient no-show behavior in outpatient clinics", Jiayi Liu, Jingui Xie, Kum Khiong YANG, Zhichao ZHENG, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21(4), 2019.
- "How to Optimize Storage Classes in a Unit-Load Warehouse", Marcus ANG, Yun Fong LIM, European Journal of Operational Research, 278(1), 2019.
- "Installed base management versus selling in monopolistic and competitive environments", Shantanu BHATTACHARYA, A. Robotis, adn L.N. Van Wassenhove, European Journal of Operational Research, 273(2), 2019.
- "Managing Wind-Based Electricity Generation in the Presence of Storage and Transmission Capacity", Yangfang (Helen) ZHOU, Alan Scheller-Wolf, Nicola Secomandi, Stephen Smith, Production and Operations Management, 28(4), 2019
- "Modeling Newsvendor Behavior: A Prospect Theory Approach",Bhavani Shanker UPPARI, S. Hasija, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21(2), 2019.
- "Selling Off-Grid Light to Liquidity Constrained Consumers", Bhavani Shanker UPPARI, I. Popescu and S. Netessine, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21(3), 2019.
- "Technology Specifications and Production Timing in a Co-Opetitive Supply Chain", Baozhuang Niu, Kanglin Chen, Xin FANG, Xin Wang and Xiaohang Yue, Production and Operations Management, 28(8), 2019
- "Understanding the operating landscape of the global airline industry: A DEA integrated alternating conditional expectation approach", Joyce LOW, Kum Khiong YANG, Journal of Airline and Airport Management, 9(2), 2019.
- "Constrained dual representation of coherent risk measures", Marcus ANG, Sun, J. and Yao, Q., Annals of Operations Research, 262(1) 2018.
- "Encouraging Help across Projects", Pascale CRAMA, F.J. Sting, Y. Wu, Management Science, 65(3), 2018
- "Experience and Signalling Value in Technology Licensing Contract Payment Structures", Kotha R., Pascale CRAMA, P.H. Kim, Academy of Management Journal, 61(4), 2018
- "On the Design of Sparse but Efficient Structures in Operations", Yan Z., GAO Yini, Teo C.P., Management Science, 64(7), 2018.
- "On the Substitutability and Complementarity of Choice Models", Guiyun FENG, Xiaobo Li and Zizhuo Wang. Operations Research Letters, 46(1), 2018.
- "Optimal Stackelberg Strategies for Supply Chain Finance Based on Online Peer-to-peer Lending", Guang-Xin Gao, Zhi-Ping Fang, Xin FANG and Yun Fong LIM, European Journal of Operational Research, 267(2), 2018.
- "Quadratic Two-Stage Stochastic Optimization with Coherent Measures of Risk", Sun J., Liao L., Brian RODRIGUES, Mathematical Programming, 168(1-2), 2018.
- "Resource Pooling and Allocation Policies to Deliver Differentiated Services," Yuanguang Zhong, Zhichao ZHENG, Mabel C.Chou, Chung-Piaw Teo, Management Science, 64(4), 2018
- "Single-Sourcing Versus Multisourcing: The Role of Output Verifiability on Task Modularity", Shantanu BHATTACHARYA, A. Gupta, and S. Hasija, MIS Quarterly, 42(4), 2018.