Research Seminars - Year 2020

Date | Details |
27 November 2020 | Manuel Sosa Professor, INSEAD "The Bright Side of Bad Choices: Evidence from Restaurant Exploration" (Webinar) |
20 November 2020 | Safak Yucel Assistant Professor, Georgetown University "Design of Electricity Demand-Response Programs" (Webinar) |
6 November 2020 | Wenbin Wang Associate Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics "Energy Efficiency Implies Cost Efficiency? Revisiting Design and Operations of Combined Heat and Power Systems" (Webinar) |
23 October 2020 | Qinshen Tang Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University "Vehicle Repositioing under Uncertainty" (Webinar) |
9 October 2020 | Zhi Chen Assistant Professor, City University of Hong Kong "Regret in the Newsvendor Model with Demand and Yield Randomness" (Webinar) |
12 June 2020 | Marcus Ang Associate Professor (Education), Singapore Management University "Model for a multi-port multi-period sea cargo mix problem" (Webinar) |
29 May 2020 | Joyce Low Assistant Professor (Education), Singapore Management University "A Constraint Programming Approach to Load Capacity Optimization in Container Vessels" (Webinar) |
3 April 2020 | Henrik Sornn-Friese Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School MPA Professor in Maritime Business, Lee Kong Chian School of Business "Ports and the Circular Economy" (Webinar) |
31 January 2020 | Tinglong Dai Associate Professor, John Hopkins University "Incentive Design for Operations-Marketing Multitasking" |
23 January 2020 | Sergei Savin Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania "Investing in Performance: Information and Merit-Based Incentives in K-12 Education" |
17 January 2020 | Sameer Hasija Associate Professor, INSEAD "Optimal Financial Hedging of Exchange Rates Under Operational Flexibility: A Polymatroid Theory Approach" |