Research Seminars - Year 2009

Date | Details |
6 November 2009 | Brian Tomlin Associate Professor of Business Administration, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth "Mitigating Supply Risk: Dual Sourcing or Process Improvement?" |
30 October 2009 | Srinagesh Gavirneni Assistant Professor of Operations Management Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University "Transfer Pricing and Offshoring in Global Supply Chains" |
2 October 2009 | WANG Qinan Associate Professor Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University "Periodic-Review Policies for Distribution Systems with Multiple Retailers and Stochastic Demand" |
11 September 2009 | Volodymyr Babich Assistant Professor of Operations and Information Management, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University "Decentralized Supply Risk Management" |
21 August 2009 | Scott Webster The Steven Becker Professor of Supply Chain Management, Whitman School of Management of Syracuse University "Ordering and Pricing a Fashion Product to Minimize Regret" |
30 June 2009 | Andrew Lim Professor and Head, City University of Hong Kong "Value of Information and Analytics - Synergy between Research and Applications" |
29 May 2009 | Christopher S. Tang Edward W. Carter Professor of Business Administration, UCLA Anderson School "Managing Time-Based Contracts with Delayed Payments" |
22 May 2009 | Jim Dai Edenfield Professor School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology "Dynamic Control of Parallel Server Systems" |
24 April 2009 | Li Jiang Assistant Professor Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University "The Effect of Decision Sequence on Supplier Competition in Decentralized Assembly Systems" |
30 March 2009 | Victor Martinez de Albeniz Assistant Professor Production, Technology and Operations Management, IESE Business School "Safety Stock or Excess Capacity: Trade-offs under Supply Risk" |
26 February 2009 | Kathryn E. Stecke Ashbel Smith Professor of Operations Management School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas "Production and Transportation Integration for a Make-to-Order Manufacturing Company with a Commit-to-Delivery Business Mode" |
9 February 2009 | Sean Zhou Assistant Professor Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong "Integration of Inventory and Pricing Decisions with Costly Price Adjustments" |
30 January 2009 | Erol A. Pekoz Associate Professor Operations Management, Boston University School of Management "Ranking Hospital Quality" |
21 January 2009 | Marius Florin Niculescu PhD candidate in Operations, Information and Technology Graduate School of Business, Stanford University "Strategic Release and Pricing of Software in the Presence of Bugs and Quality-Sensitive Customers" |