Operations Analytics Track (OAT)

Operations Analytics track equips you with statistical, optimisation, and simulation tools and skill sets to give you a competitive edge in the marketplace. You will receive rigorous training in Operations Management, with a wide range of core and electives modules covering topics such as project management, global supply chain, logistics and transport management, retail operations, and high performance warehousing and fulfilment. In addition, the course will take you through the entire cycle of data analysis, and you will have the opportunity to employ analytics tools on real data.
Compulsory courses for OM major:
- OPIM311 Service Processes
- OPIM321 Supply Chain Management
Additional compulsory courses for Operations Analytics Track:
- MGMT108 Introduction to Business Analytics / IS217 Analytics Foundations*
- COR-IS1702 Computational Thinking/COR-IS1704 Computational Thinking and Programming*
- IS105 Business Data Management / IS112 Data Management*
- OPIM326 Service and Operations Analytics
- 2 other Operations Analytics Track electives from the list below**:
- MGMT317 Managing Process Improvement
- OPIM314 Logistics and Transportation Management
- OPIM322 High Performance Warehousing and Fulfillment
- OPIM348 Supply Chain Analytics
* All students opting for LKCSB's Analytics tracks should take Introduction to Business Analytics. For Operations Analytics Track's students who enrol in Analytics Foundations instead of Introduction to Business Analytics, they will have to take an additional Operations Management Elective to fulfill the respective major's requirement. Introduction to Business Analytics will be mutually exclusive to Analytics Foundations.
* Students could take COR-IS1702 Computational Thinking/COR-IS1704 Computational Thinking and Programming until AY2024-25 Term 1. However, students should take COR-IS1704 Computational Thinking and Programming in place of COR-IS1702 Computational Thinking from AY2024-25 Term 1.
* With effect from AY20-21 Term 1, non-SIS students should take IS105 Business Data Management instead of IS112 Data Management. Only students declaring majors from School of Computing and Information Systems should take IS112 Data Management.
*Students who have taken Introduction to Business Analytics before AY19/20 Term 2 will be allowed to use the course to meet their respective major elective requirements. With effect from AY19-20 Term 2 offering onwards, Introduction to Business Analytics will only fulfil the major elective requirements for students with a declared Analytics track. If students who had earlier declared the Analytics tracks and have taken this course in and after AY19-20 Term 2 choose to drop out of the tracks, the course will no longer be used to fulfil the major elective, and it will be counted towards Free Elective. The student will need to take another course to fulfil the major elective.
**List of electives may be subject to changes. Students may transfer up to 2CUs of OAT Electives from their exchange programme.
Note: In addition to the above, non-BBM students would need to take OPIM101 Decision Analysis and OPIM201 Operations Management.