Upcoming Research Seminars

28 February 2025Sergei Savin
Professor, University of Pennsylvania
"Leveraging Telemedicine to Tackle Regional Health Disparities via Inter-Hospital Collaborations"
10 March 2025Emmanouil Avgerinos
Associate Professor, IE University
13 March 2025Lingxiu Dong
Professor, Washington University in St Louis
4 April 2025Vinod Singhal
Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
11 April 2025Henrik Sornn-Friese
Associate Professor, Cophenhagen Business School
Recipient of MPA Professorship in Maritime Business, SMU
25 April 2025Wang Chi Cheung
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
9 May 2025Xin Fang
Associate Professor, MPA Research Fellow, Singapore Management University
16 May 2025Anand Gopal
President's Chair in Informations System and Innovation, Professor, Nanyang Technological University
23 May 2025Marcus Ang
Associate Professor (Education), MPA Research Fellow, Singapore Management University
6 June 2025Helen Zhou
Associate Professor, MPA Research Fellow, Singapore Management University
5 September 2025Nur Sunar
Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
19 September 2025Linwei Xin
Associate Professor, University of Chicago
"TBC" (Webinar)

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