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BBM (Private Banking) SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree

Lee Kong Chian School of Business (LKCSB) has launched a BBM (Private Banking) SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree. This Work-Study Degree is built from the regular BBM degree with a significant work component that fulfils a Work-Study Degree’s requirements. It aims to prepare graduates for jobs in the Private Banking industry. DBS is the first company to collaborate with LKCSB to offer a structured internship. This initiative is supported by the government’s Financial Sector Development Fund (FSDF) which aims to build a Singaporean talent pipeline of job-ready graduates for the finance sector through structured Work-Study Degree internships at financial institutions.

What is the BBM (Private Banking) SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree?

The BBM (Private Banking) SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree (WSDeg) is a regular BBM degree with a significant Work component that is recognised by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). 30% of curriculum time for this is dedicated to “work” (in the form of internship attachments). This significant work component allows students to acquire deep and work-relevant skills, which will help students better transit to the workplace upon graduation.

The partnering bank, DBS, has developed a structured, applied, and team-based curriculum matched with pertinent internship experiences to equip students with relevant skillsets and competencies. 

Students will earn academic credits which will contribute to fulfilling the degree requirements. They will graduate with the BBM (Private Banking) SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree.​​​​​​​

Programme Structure

Like other SMU undergraduate degrees, the proposed BBM (Private Banking) Work-Study Degree (WSDeg) requires a total of 36 CUs. The curriculum structure is as follows:

Curriculum CategoryCUs Comparison to Regular BBM
Core Curriculum12Similar
Business Core11Similar
Major (Finance)46
WSDeg Internship (35-week)5No WSDeg Internship
Free electives47
Total BBM CUs36Similar

Students who join the programme will follow the course progression of modules and 2 internship periods as show in the diagram below:

Course progression: BBM (Private Banking) SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree

Details about the Internship Component: 

  • The Work-Study Degree has a mandatory 45 weeks of internship time for students, to be completed in 2 parts.
  • The first period of internship is 10 weeks and students must complete this before the end of Term 3 of Year 2. This internship may be completed in any company. A generic business internship is an existing part of the BBM’s degree requirements, giving students broad work experience. Students will fulfil the 1 CU internship requirement when they complete this 10-week internship.
  • The second internship is the specialised 35-week long internship in private banking with the partner bank (DBS). This internship will run from December of a student’s third year of study until August of the following year. Students will be rotated to different departments within the bank and at the end of the internship they will take the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I exam, in August. 
  • Students will be paid an appropriate internship stipend by the bank during the period of internship. The internship will also include students from other local universities.  
  • Successful completion of the internship at DBS will count for five CUs (2 Finance major elective CUs and 3 Free Elective CUs). The internship will be graded Pass/Fail. Assessment of the student will be determined by a faculty supervisor based on interim and final reports submitted by the students (when required) and feedback from the students’ workplace supervisors on their work performance and attitude.

How to apply

  1. Applications will be accepted from 1 Aug – 31 Aug 2024. Apply here.

  2. If shortlisted by the school, applicant’s information will be sent to DBS to undergo a competitive selection process and assessed alongside students from other local universities.  Please note that DBS’ decision is final.  

  3. Successful applicants who are selected by DBS will start their 35-week internship after the end of Term 1 (i.e. December 2024), and will end in August 2025.  Thereafter, students will take the CFA Level 1 examination in August 2025.  

  4. Completion of the 35 weeks internship and CFA Level I examinations will count for five CUs and these students will become BBM (Private Banking) SkillsFuture Work-Study Degree graduates when they complete their studies at LKCSB. 

Further details

If you have further enquiries on this programme, you may wish to refer to the FAQs from the previous info session (jointly held with DBS on 2 September 2022.)  For enquiries not addressed in the FAQs, you may write to lkcsb_ug[at], attn: Ms Jasmine Lim  

For the most updated and accurate list of  Finance courses offered and their course attributes.

Please go to OASIS > STUDY > Course & Schedule > Browse Catalogue.

2022 Recruiting Committee Chair: Hong ZHANG

Available positions:

Tenure-track faculty positions: Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor levels

Finance Summer Camp 2024
13 & 14 June 2024

Finance Summer Camp 2023
19 & 20 June 2023

Finance Summer Camp 2019
25 & 26 June 2019

Finance Summer Camp 2018
05 & 06 July 2018

Finance Summer Camp 2017
12 & 13 June 2017

Finance Summer Camp 2016
30 June & 01 July 2016

Finance Summer Camp 2015
24 & 25 June 2015

Finance Summer Camp 2014
24 & 25 June 2014

Finance Summer Camp 2013
8 & 9 July 2013

Finance Summer Camp 2012
11 July 2012

Ser-Keng ANG
Principal Lecturer of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, University of New South Wales 
CHAN Soon Huat 
Senior Lecturer of Finance 
Ph.D. in Finance, University of Rhode Island
Assistant Professor of Finance (Education)
Ph.D. in Finance, University of Memphis
David K. DING 
Associate Professor of Finance (Education)
Ph.D. in Finance, University of Memphis
FU Fangjian 
Associate Professor of Finance 
Ph.D. in Finance, University of Rochester
GAN Karen
Senior Lecturer of Finance
Ph.D. in Business (General Management), Singapore Management University
GHOSH Aurobindo 
Assistant Professor of Finance (Education)
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Illinois
Jeremy GOH 
Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, Washington University
Jianfeng HU (Finance Area Coordinator)
Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, City University of New York
Dashan HUANG 
Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, Washington University
Annie KOH 
Professor Emertitus of Finance (Practice) 
Ph.D. in Finance, New York University
Benedict KOH 
Professor of Finance (Education)
Ph.D. in Finance, University of Pennsylvania
Francis KOH 
Professor Emeritus of Finance (Practice)
Ph.D. in Finance, University of New South Wales
Assiant Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Weikai LI
Assistant Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, Tilburg University
Kian Guan LIM 
Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, Stanford University
Roger LOH 
Associate Professor of Finance 
Ph.D. in Finance, Ohio State University
MA Pengfei
Assistant Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, Indiana University
Clemens OTTO 
Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, London Business School
Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Economics, Northwestern University
Associate Professor of Finance (Practice)
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Western Australia
SHANG Botong 
Assistant Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, University of Rochester
Jian SUN
Assistant Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, MIT Sloan School of Management
Changcheng SONG 
Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Economics, University of California Berkeley
Melvyn TEO 
Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Economics, Harvard University
THAM Tze Minn Mandy
Associate Professor of Finance (Education)
Ph.D. in Finance, University of Michigan
TU Jun 
Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, Washington University
WANG Rong 
Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, Washington University
YAO Tianhao
Assistant Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, HEC Paris
Yang (Gloria) YU
Assistant Professor of Finance 
Ph.D. in Finance, INSEAD
Jun YU 
Professor of Economics and Finance 
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Western Ontario
YU Shihao
Assistant Professor of Finance 
Ph.D. in Finance, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute
Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, Yale University
Joe Zhe ZHANG 
Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D. in Finance, University of Iowa
Yueshen, Bart ZHOU
Associate Professor of Finance
PhD in Finance, VU University Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute
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