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Finance Major & Tracks

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Overview of Sustainable Finance Track

The Sustainable Finance track equips students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving landscape of finance in the context of sustainability. As global markets increasingly prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, finance professionals play a crucial role in driving sustainable economic growth. This track offers a deep dive into sustainable financial practices, including sustainability reporting, risk management, and impact investing. Students will gain expertise in sustainable financial instruments, carbon markets, and sectoral decarbonization, preparing them to lead and innovate in a finance industry that demands both profitability and responsibility. 

The Sustainable Finance track is aligned with the SMU pillar of “Sustainable Living”. Students who complete the requirements of the Sustainable Finance track will: 
1. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of sustainable finance principles and practices, essential for driving financial innovation and responsible investment. 
2. Be prepared to leverage emerging career opportunities in sectors prioritizing sustainability, such as impact investing, ESG reporting, and sustainable risk management.


Please see below for track requirements (applicable for AY2023/2024 intake onwards). 

You will need to declare FNCE with Track in (Sustainable Finance) as your major and you must take:

Compulsory courses for Finance major:

Sustainable Finance track:

Compulsory Sustainable Finance Track courses (3 CUs):

  • Sustainable Finance (FNCE314)
  • Sustainability Accounting and Reporting (ACCT431)
  • Sustainability Management and Governance (MGMT235)

Complete 2 electives from the following courses (2CUs):

  • Sustainable Finance Instruments (FNCE318)
  • Sustainability Risk Management (FNCE319)
  • Sectoral Decarbonisation Knowledge (FNCE320)
  • Carbon Markets and Products (FNCE321)
  • Sustainable and Impact Investing (FNCE322)

Contact Us

For enquiries, please contact:
Email: lkcsb_ug[at]
Telephone: 6808 5127

Overview of Undergraduate Real Estate Track

The track aims to develop a pipeline of graduates who will be equipped with a strong grounding in real estate investments and finance. They will be exposed to real estate development in Singapore and the region. The track fits in well with the national objective to develop more talent and skillsets needed to advance Singapore as a hub for real estate financing for the region and participate in China’s “One Belt One Road” initiatives.

The track is complemented with exposure to real-world business practices, case studies and experiential learning opportunities, such as speaker events, local and overseas internships, as well as local and overseas study trips. In addition, bond-free Academic Award will be offered to students

Contact Us

For enquiries, please contact:
Telephone: 6828 0626

Overview of Undergraduate Banking Track

The banking track allows students to learn about the workings of the banking sector: corporate banking, consumer banking, and investment banking. In corporate banking, you will learn the important intermediary role that banks play in helping companies obtain financing through loans. In consumer banking you will learn about the role that banks play in maturity transformation and the importance of access to credit for individuals. In investment banking, you will learn about the corporate advisory role that banks provide when companies want to raise capital directly from investors, or when they engage in acquisition activity. The vibrant banking sector in Singapore ensures that students on this track will have promising employment opportunities when they graduate.

Why Undergraduate Banking Track?

This track provides you with significant insights into:

  1. The process by which bankers provide loans to corporations
  2. The full range of banking products banks offer customers, including wealth management products
  3. The structuring of equity and debt transactions
  4. The managing of mergers and acquisitions
  5. The benefits of the universal banking model which helps bankers cross-sell products and services within the four major banking segments – corporate banking, individual banking, investment banking, and treasury
  6. The process by which universal banks diversify their risks across the different market segments

Organisations seeking such talent include:

  • Corporate and private banks
  • Consumer banks
  • Other financial institutions
  • Commercial organisation with treasury department


Please see below for track requirements (applicable for AY2019/2020 intake onwards). For intakes before AY2019/2020, please see pdf file for the requirements.
You will need to declare FNCE with Track in (BT) as your major and you must take:

Compulsory courses for Finance major:

Additional compulsory courses for Banking Track:

  • Retail Banking (FNCE225)
  • Corporate Banking (FNCE229)
  • Investment Banking (FNCE221)

Choose 2 other Banking Track electives listed below:

  • Wealth Management and Advisory (FNCE217)
  • Project Financing (FNCE232)
  • Structured Products Sales and Trading (QF207) 
  • Analysis of Derivative Securities (FNCE305)
  • Financial Innovation, Blockchains, and Decentralised Finance (FNCE313)
  • Entrepreneurial Finance (FNCE213)
  • Sustainable Finance (FNCE314)
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (FNCE311)
  • Behavioural Finance (FNCE312)

Contact Us

For enquiries, please contact:
Email: lkcsb_ug[at]
Telephone: 6808 5127

Overview of Undergraduate International Trading Track

International Trading Track was launched with the objective of grooming young international trading talent in Singapore. This is because Asia is increasingly becoming the centre of global trade flows, and Singapore is well-positioned to seize the opportunity due to its continuously expanding role as an international launch pad for traders wishing to venture into this region and anchor their presence here.

Why Undergraduate International Trading Track?

This track equips you with skill sets essential for physical trading such as product knowledge (e.g. oil, agriculture), logistics (e.g. shipping, warehousing, refining), and financial and risk management. The emphasis is on physical commodities trading (as opposed to screen or paper trading).

Organisations seeking such talent include:

  • Trading
  • Shipping
  • Logistics
  • Trade finance
  • Maritime services 


Please see below for track requirements (applicable for AY2019/2020 intake onwards). For intakes before AY2019/2020, please see pdf file for the requirements.
You will need to declare FNCE with Track in (ITT) as your major and you must take:

Compulsory courses for Finance major:

Additional compulsory courses for International Trading Track:

  • Analysis of Derivative Securities (FNCE305)
  • Law of International Trade (LAW443/ LGST223) or Carriage of Goods by Sea and International Trade (LAW4030) – only applicable to LLB students 
  • Shipping Business (TRAD201)
  • Trade Finance (FNCE310)

Choose 1 other International Trading Track elective listed below: 

  • International Finance (FNCE210)
  • Advanced Portfolio Management (FNCE307)
  • Corporate Banking (FNCE229)
  • Analysis of Fixed-Income Securities (FNCE204)
  • Sustainable Finance (FNCE314)
  • At least three non-credit seminars (e.g. Agri-Commodities, Maritime and Logistics Management, Commodity and Energy Trading, Geopolitics and the Impact on Shipping Routes, Financial Risk Management, Sustainability, Carbon Trading, The LNG Value Chain, Container Liner Trade, Technology and Trade, Port Operations, Data Analytics) 

Click here for more details on International Trading Track

Contact Us

For enquiries, please contact:

Telephone: 6828 0430

“International Trading Track was more than the term “International” for me. From industry talks, to multiple trips overseas–it exposed me to the wider value chain and opened up an unimaginable variety of roles–all these within the realm of global trade. It helped me build a macro geopolitical mindset; allowing me to work with people from different cultures; at the same time provided opportunities to deep dive and pivot into specialised roles."

Liyana Wong
Shipbroker, BRS Shipbrokers 
Class of 2016
Bachelor of Business Management,
Major in Finance (International Trading) and Marketing    

Overview of Undergraduate Wealth Management Track

In recent years, the proliferation of investment products and innovative financial services has contributed to the steady growth of wealth management as an attractive and lucrative service sector within the financial industry around the world. At the same time, rapid product development and technological advancements, changing needs of clients, and globalisation of businesses are posing new challenges for professionals in wealth management. There is an ever-growing need for professional education and training programmes to enhance the level of knowledge and professional services in wealth management, especially in the Asia Pacific region.

Why Undergraduate Wealth Management Track?

This track grooms you to succeed in the wealth management sector of the global financial industry. It is a dynamic sector, as rapid product development, the changing needs of clients and globalisation are posing new challenges for wealth management professionals.

Organisations seeking such talent include:

  • Commercial and private banks
  • Fund Management Companies
  • Investment Advisory Companies


Please see below for track requirements (applicable for AY2019/2020 intake onwards). For intakes before AY2019/2020, please see pdf file for the requirements.
You will need to declare FNCE with Track in (WMT) as your major and you must take:

Compulsory courses for Finance major:

Additional compulsory courses for Wealth Management Track:

  • Wealth Management & Advisory (FNCE217)
  • Advanced Portfolio Management (FNCE307) 

Choose 3 other Wealth Management Track electives listed below:

  • Wealth Management and the Law (FNCE218)
  • Sustainable Finance (FNCE314)
  • International Finance (FNCE210)
  • Analysis of Equity Securities (FNCE203)
  • Analysis of Fixed-Income Securities (FNCE204)
  • Analysis of Derivative Securities (FNCE305)
  • Real Estate Valuation and Taxation (FNCE234)
  • Entrepreneurial Finance (FNCE213)
  • Behavioural Finance (FNCE312)

Contact Us

For enquiries, please contact:

Email: lkcsb_ug[at]
Telephone: 6808 5127

Overview of Undergraduate Finance Analytics Track

Analytics has wide application in Finance – recent years have seen a rise in financial technology, increased popularity of algorithmic trading, and greater use of analytics in asset management and capital markets. 

The Infocomm Media 2025 masterplan ranks Big Data as one of the key strategic thrusts for the nation. Responding to the seminal role that analytics will play across a wide range of sectors and anticipating strong demand from employers, this track provides opportunities for students specialising in various disciplines to acquire up-to-date analytics skills and knowledge, which will no doubt give graduates a competitive edge in their chosen field.

Why Undergraduate Finance Analytics Track?

This track enables you to acquire and hone your data analysis and modelling skills. You will receive rigorous training in Finance, and will develop analytics skills specific to the finance sector through a wide range of core and elective modules covering data management, computational thinking, portfolio management, and analyses of different types of investments.

You will also take a newly developed course – financial innovation, which will empower you with skills related to new business models, to prepare you for new challenges arising from future innovations.

The Finance Analytics track will prepare you to have the necessary analytical skills for new jobs in the finance industry.


Please see below for track requirements (applicable for AY2019/2020 intake onwards). For intakes before AY2019/2020, please see pdf file for the requirements.
You will need to declare FNCE with Track in (FAT) as your major and you must take:

Compulsory courses for Finance major:

Additional compulsory courses for Finance Analytics Track:

  • Introduction to Business Analytics (MGMT108)/ IS217 Analytics Foundations* 
  • COR-IS1702 Computational Thinking/COR-IS1704 Computational Thinking and Programming
  • Business Data Management (IS105)/ Data Management (IS112)
  • Financial Innovation, Blockchains, and Decentralised Finance (FNCE313)

Choose 1 other Finance Analytics Track elective listed below

  • Analytics in Finance and Real Estate (FNCE315)
  • Analysis of Derivative Securities (FNCE305)
  • Analysis of Equity Securities  (FNCE203)
  • Analysis of Fixed-Income Securities (FNCE204)
  • International Finance (FNCE210)
  • Advanced Portfolio Management (FNCE307)
  • Analytics for Value Investing (ACCT421)
  • Digital Banking Enterprise Architecture (IS.444)
  • Retail Banking and Mobile Technology (IS419)
  • Financial Markets Processes and Technology (IS423)
  • Financial Analytics (IS453)
  • Corporate Banking Technology (IS445)

*All students opting for LKCSB’s Analytics tracks should take Introduction to Business Analytics. For Finance Analytics Track’s students who enrol in Analytics Foundation instead of Introduction to Business Analytics, they will have to take an additional Finance Elective to fulfil the respective major’s requirement. Introduction to Business Analytics will be mutually exclusive to Analytics Foundation. 

Contact Us

For enquiries, please contact:
Email: lkcsb_ug[at]
Telephone: 6808 5127


The finance sector is one of the key pillars of the Singapore economy, contributing about 14% to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2023. Singapore is the region’s leading financial hub and a hotspot for global financial organisations that seek to establish an Asian presence. The finance sector also accounts for more than half of the cumulative foreign direct investments (FDI) in Singapore up to 2022. The sector employs about 229,000 residents, which is a significant part of Singapore’s professional workforce. Going forward, job opportunities in the sector will be expanded by the advances in Financial Technology (FinTech) and Asia’s growth. In its latest estimates by MAS in Sep 2022, there will be a creation of up to 20,000 new Finance jobs in Singapore’s financial sector in 5 years.  According to the Ministry of Manpower, the financial and insurance services industry is the one with the highest median gross monthly income of $8,190 in 2023, compared to the overall median of $5,197. 



Slides from Know Thy Major Talk on 21 January 2025

At SMU, the undergraduate Finance Major is well-designed to equip you with the relevant industry skills and knowledge so that you will be ready to take on a career in the sector. The Finance Major gives you room to pursue specialised tracks within Finance such as Finance Analytics, Real Estate, Wealth Management, International Trading, and Banking. Students who graduate with a Finance Major will enjoy numerous employment opportunities, whether in the finance sector (which employs the largest number of SMU undergraduates), or in other sectors like business and management consulting, retail trade, etc. 


You must take:

  • Corporate Finance (FNCE201)
  • Corporate Reporting and Financial Analysis (ACCT201)
  • Financial Markets and Investments (FNCE102) (This course replaces the old FNCE102 FIIM)
  • 3 Finance electives
  • CFA100 Ethics and Standards Practice for Investment Management (non-credit)

As of 28 July 2022, all students are eligible to major in Finance as the minimum grade criteria has been removed. 

For Non-BBM students taking Finance as a second major, please refer to this PDF file


Please click here for finance course schedule and their descriptions.


All SMU undergraduates who have declared Finance as their first or second major are eligible to do one of the five tracks listed below.

Please see below for track requirements (applicable for AY2019/2020 intake onwards). For intakes before AY2019/2020, please see pdf file for the requirements.

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