Research Publications in 2013
Journal Articles
"Adding Small Differences Can Increase Similarity and Choice", by Jongmin KIM, Nathan NOVEMSKY, and Ravi DHAR, 02/2013, 24, 2, Psychological Science, 225-9
"Affect as a Decision-Making System of the Present", by Hanwen Hannah CHANG and Michel Tuan PHAM, 06/2013, 40, 1, Journal of Consumer Research, 42-63
"Conundra and Progress: Research on Entry Order and Performance", by M.B LIEBERMAN and David Bruce MONTGOMERY, 2013, 46, Long Range Planning, 312-324
"Outsourcing of Customer-Facing CRM Processes: When and How Does It Impact Shareholder Value?", by Kalaignanam KARTIK, Tarun KUSHWAHA, J.B. STEENKAMP, and Kapil Rajendra Kumar TULI, 03/2013, 59, Management Science, 748-769