Research Seminars

Marketing Research Seminars 2024
Date | Seminar Title |
6 June 2024 | Yu Ding Assistant Professor of Marketing, Stanford University "Similarity Judgments Debias the Hidden Discrimination in Candidate Ratings for Hiring" |
24 April 2024 | Ayelet Israeli Marvin Bower Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard University "Using GPT for Market Research" |
22 March 2024 | Dan Schley Associate Professor of Marketing Management, Erasmus University "Measurement Invariance Across Conditions: A Case Study of Material and Experiential Happiness" |
14 March 2024 | He (Michael) Jia Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Hong Kong "Visual Influences of Quantity Display in Online Grocery Retailing" |
16 February 2024 | Yann Cornil Associate Professor of Marketing, University of British Columbia "Obesity, Responsiveness to Food Marketing, and Taste Perception Before and After Bariatric Surgery" |
2 February 2024 | Jayson S. Jia Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Hong Kong "Exposure Paradox and the Riskiness of Strong Ties" |
25 January 2024 | Jennifer Argo Carthy Professor of Marketing, University of Alberta "Disrespectful promotions: The Negative Impact of price promotions on products linked to stigmatized identities" |
19 January 2024 | David J. Hardisty Associate Professor of Marketing, University of British Columbia "Income Prediction Bias in the Gig Economy" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2023
Date | Seminar Title |
22 September 2023 | Dilip Soman Canada Research Chair in Behavioural Science and Economics, University of Toronto "Do mandated financial disclosures help people make better choices?" |
18 September 2023 | Tracey Danaher Professor of Marketing, Monash University "Behind the Door: Privacy Threats, Vulnerability, and Infringement Guards in Retail Fitting Rooms" |
15 September 2023 | Peter Danaher Professor of Marketing, Monash University "Handling Selection Effects When Linking Online Review Reading to Subsequent Purchase" |
28 April 2023 | Peter C. Verhoef Professor of Marketing, University of Groningen "The Impact of Nutrition Claims on Purchase Behavior for Food Products"Shopping Distancing: The Impact of Travel Cost on Shopping Destination Choices" |
29 March 2023 | Nicole Kim Assistant Professor of Marketing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University "Culture for Sale: Unpacking Consumer Perceptions of Cultural Appropriation" |
24 March 2023 | Ron Berman Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Pennsylvania "Influence or Advertise: The Role of Social Learning in Influencer Marketing" |
17 March 2023 | Spyros Zoumpoulis Assistant Professor of Decision Sciences, INSEAD "A Sample Size Calculation for Training and Certifying Targeting Policies" |
9 March 2023 | Rajdeep Grewal Tommie Goh Visiting Professor and Townsend Family Distinguished Professor of Marketing, University of North Carolina "Organizational Herding and Business Model Innovation Adoption" |
24 February 2023 | Shane Wang Professor of Marketing, Virginia Tech "Online Education and Face-to-Face Peer Benefits: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic" |
27 January 2023 | Kyuhong Han Assistant Professor of Marketing, Korea University "Casual Mediation Analysis Using Double Machine Learning" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2022
Date | Seminar Title |
20 May 2022 | Albert Valenti Assistant Professor in Marketing, IESE Business School "Shopping Distancing: The Impact of Travel Cost on Shopping Destination Choices"(Webinar) |
23 April 2022 | Tesary Lin Assistant Professor of Marketing, Boston University "How Do Privacy Valuations Respond to Choice Architecture?---Implication for Privacy Policy Evaluation" (Webinar) |
8 April 2022 | Shrabastee Banerjee Assistant Professor of Marketing, Tilburg University "Platform Monetization and Unintended Consequences on its Ecosystem: Evidence from a Two-sided Market for Books Effects" (Webinar) |
25 March 2022 | Isabelle Engeler Assistant Professor of Marketing, IESE Business School "From Mix-and-Match to Head-to-Toe: How Brand Combinations Affect Observer Trust" (Webinar) |
11 March 2022 | Ann Schlosser Evert McCabe Endowed Fellow and Professor of Marketing, University of Washington "Overcorrecting for a Machine’s Mistakes: When AI Errors Increase AI Adoption"(Webinar) |
4 February 2022 | Xu Zhang Assistant Professor of Marketing, London Business School "Online Healthcare Platform Evolution: The Interplay of Bargaining and Network Effects"(Webinar) |
Marketing Research Seminars 2021
Date | Seminar Title |
21 May 2021 | Manuel Hermosilla Assistant Professor of Marketing, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School "Does Consumer Demand “Pull” Scientifically Novel Drug Innovation?" (Webinar) |
23 April 2021 | Ralf van der Lans Professor of Marketing, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology “Country-of-Origin and Marketing Mix Effectiveness in a Product-Harm Crisis: Evidence from the 2008 Infant Milk Scandal in China” (Webinar) |
Marketing Research Seminars 2020
Date | Seminar Title |
12 November 2020 | Pieter Schoonees Assistant Professor, Erasmus University “Some (Best) Practices in Predictive Modelling” (Webinar) |
6 November 2020 | Andrew Stephen L’Oréal Professor of Marketing & Associate Dean of Research, University of Oxford "Social Media Use and Psychological Well-Being" (Webinar) |
7 August 2020 | Brett Hollenbeck Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of California, Los Angeles "The Market for Fake Reviews” (Webinar) |
24 July 2020 | Sara Kim Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Hong Kong "The Role of Anthropomorphic Agents in Consumer Behavior" (Webinar) |
13 February 2020 | David Dubios Associate Professor of Marketing, INSEAD "When and Why Mere Exposure to Sharing Cues Increases Variety-Seeking" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2019
Date | Seminar Title |
19 November 2019 | Pranav Jindal Assistant Professor of Marketing, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "Marketing Mix Response across Retail Formats - The Role of Shopping Trip Types" |
22 April 2019 | Jeffrey Inman Albert Wesley Frey Professor of Marketing and Associate Dean of Research and Faculty, University of Pittsburgh "What Drives Post-Level User Engagement? The Role of Sender-Reader Matching and the Moderating Effect of Online Social Ties" |
5 April 2019 | Christian Wheeler StrataCom Professor of Management and Professor of Marketing,Stanford University "Personalization in Email Marketing: The Role of Noninformative Advertising Content" |
13 February 2019 | Deborah Small Laura and John J. Pomerantz Professor of Marketing and Psychology at the Wharton School and the Psychology Department of the University of Pennsylvania "Ineffective Altruism" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2018
Date | Seminar Title |
13 November 2018 | Rajdeep Grewal Tommie Goh Visiting Professor of Marketing, Singapore Management University Townsend Family Distinguished Professor of Marketing, UNC Kenan-Flagler "Image Portfolio and Demand in the Sharing Economy" |
07 May 2018 | Yann Cornil Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of British Columbia "Food as Fuel: Performance goals increase preferences for high-calorie foods and caloric intake" |
2 March 2018 | Bernd Skiera Chaired Professor of Electronic Commerce, Goethe University "A New Method to Decompose Changes in Customer Equity into its Drivers" |
09 March 2018 | Angela Y. Lee Mechthild Esser Nemmers Professor of Marketing, Northwestern University "The Creative Power of Color Harmony" |
02 February 2018 | Sunil Gupta Tommie Goh Visiting Professor of Marketing, Singapore Management University Edward W. Carter Professor of Business Administration and Chair of the General Management Program, Harvard Business School "Managing Churn to Maximize Profits" |
15 January 2018 | Yakov Bart Assistant Professor of Marketing, Northeastern University "Online Advertising Effectiveness across Media Channels and Countries" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2017
Date | Seminar Title |
28 April 2017 | Neil A. Morgan Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of British Columbia "When and How Does Market Share Drive Profits?" |
24 March 2017 | André Bonfrer Professor of Quantitative Marketing, University of Queensland "Measuring the sales response to the Australian plain packaging regulation of cigarettes" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2016
Date | Seminar Title |
10 November 2016 | David Dubois Assistant Professor of Marketing, INSEAD "When Do Consumers Aspire to Live vs.Look like Kings?How Power States Drive the Preference for Experiential vs.Material Luxury" |
14 October 2016 | CB Bhattacharya Pietro Ferrero Chair of Sustainability and Director, Center for Sustainable Business at ESMT European School of Management and Technology "Awakening the Green Self: Stakeholder Reactions to Sustainability" |
07 October 2016 | Raymond R.Burke E.W. Kelley Chaired Professor, Indiana University "Identifying the Drivers of Shopper Attention,Engagement, and Purchase" |
10 June 2016 | Vanessa Patrick Bauer Professor of Marketing, University of Houston, LVMH-SMU Luxury Brand Initiative Visiting Research Fellow, Singapore Management University "The Power of the Pen: Handwritten Fonts Invite Consumer Engagement" |
19 February 2016 | Marnik Dekimpe Research Professor of Marketing,Tilburg University ,Professor of Marketing,KU Leuven,Distinguished Visiting Professor of Marketing,Singapore Management University "Global Private-Label Convergence: Fact or Fiction?" |
29 January 2016 | Sunil Gupta Edward W. Carter Professor of Business Administration in Harvard Business School and Tommie Goh Visiting Professor in Entrepreneurship and Business in Singapore Management University "Do Display Ads Influence Search? Attribution and Dynamics in Online Advertising" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2015
Date | Seminar Title |
24 November 2015 | V Kumar Regents Professor; Richard and Susan Lenny Distinguished Chair in Marketing, Georgia State University "Insights from Research in Social Media and Digital Marketing" |
04 August 2015 | Joydeep Srivastava Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing and Consumer Psychology, University of Maryland "When Does a Price Discount Backfire?Examining the Joint Effects of Price Discount and Shipping Charge on Consumer Evaluations" |
02 April 2015 | Russell S.Winer William Joyce Professor of Marketing, New York University "New Insights from Neurophysiological Methods and Market Response Modeling" |
20 March 2015 | Anirban Mukhopadhyay Associate Professor of Marketing,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology "Lay Theories of Obesity: How Leanwashing Influences Consumers’ Body Masses" |
13 January 2015 | Avi Goldfarb Professor of Marketing,University of Toronto "Slack Time and Innovation" |
06 January 2015 | Christine Moorman T. Austin Finch, Sr. Professor of Business Administration, Duke University "Going Public: How Stock Market Listing Changes Firm Innovation Behavior" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2014
Date | Seminar Title |
27 November 2014 | Min Zhao Associate Professor of Marketing,University of Toronto "The Effect of Metaphor on Consumer Mindset and Decisions" |
14 March 2014 | Jagdish N. Sheth Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing, Goizueta Business School, Emory University "The Future Evolution of Relationship Marketing" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2013
Date | Seminar Title |
05 December 2013 | Young-Hoon Park AMOREPACIFIC Professor of Management and Associate Professor of Marketing, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University "Consumer Click Behavior at a Search Engine: The Role of Keyword Popularity" |
10 June 2013 | Nathan Novemsky Professor of Marketing, Yale School of Management, Yale University "Construal Level Theory in Gift Giving and Memory-Based Choice" |
08 May 2013 | Lillian L. Cheng and Kent B. Monroe Lillian L. Cheng is an independent researcher in marketing strategy. Kent B.Monroe is the J. M. Jones Distinguished Professor of Marketing Emeritus, University of Illinois, Distinguished Visiting Scholar, University of Richmond "Understanding the Roles of Price as a Stimulus, A Signal, and a Cue" |
03 April 2013 | Marnik G. Dekimpe Professor, Catholic University Leuven, Research Professor of Marketing & Center Fellow, Tilburg University "New realities in the private-label landscape" |
01 February 2013 | Robin Wensley Emeritus Professor of Policy and Marketing ,Warwick Business School, University of Warwick "Researching Marketing Management:Two(im)possibilities in one" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2012
Date | Seminar Title |
31 July 2012 | Michel Tuan Pham Kravis Professor of Business,Graduate School of Business, Columbia University "Feeling the Future: The Emotional Oracle Effect" |
18 July 2012 | Rajdeep Grewal Irving & Irene Bard Professor of Marketing, Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University "Modeling Service Quality, Price, and Performance at the Market Level: The Role of Potential and Realized Competition" |
03 July 2012 | Shen Qiaowe Assistant Professor of Marketing,The Wharton School,University of Pennsylvania "Dynamic Learning and Exit in Competitive Markets" |
27 January 2012 | Irwin (Irv) Gross Professor Emeritus,Smeal College of Business Administration, Pennsylvania State University "Customer Value in B-to-B Markets" - co-hosted by Centre of Marketing Excellence |
Marketing Research Seminars 2011
Date | Seminar Title |
26 August 2011 | Raghunath Rao Assistant Professor, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin "Conspicuous Consumption and Dynamic Pricing" |
22 June 2011 | Luo Xueming Professor of Marketing,College of Business, Eunice & James L. West Distinguished Professor, The University of Texas at Arlington "Modeling Customer Metrics, Strategic Marketing, and Firm Value: Past and Future of the Marketing-Finance Interface" |
15 June 2011 | Narayan Janakiraman Assistant Professor, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona "Effect of effort and deadlines on consumer product returns" |
31 May 2011 | Amar Cheema Associate Professor, McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia "The Effect of Red and Blue Background Color on Willingness-to-pay: Aggression and the Moderating Role of Selling Mechanism" |
29 April 2011 | Marnik Dekimpe Professor, Catholic University Leuven, Research Professor of Marketing & CentER Fellow, Tilburg University "Rising from the Ashes: How Brands and Categories Can Overcome Product-Harm Crises" |
11 March 2011 | Namwoon Kim Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Business, Hong Kong Polytechnic University "A Two Dimensional Framework Integrating Incumbent Entry Motivations" |
14 January 2011 | Bernd Skiera Chaired Professor of electronic commerce , Goethe University "Customer-Based Firm Valuation: Linking Customer and Financial Metrics to Shareholder Value" |
Marketing Research Seminars 2010
Date | Seminar Title |
14 December 2010 | Goutam Challagalla Brady Family Associate Professor of Marketing and Area Coordinator for Marketing,Ernest Scheller Jr. College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology "The Threat from Within: Account Managers’ Concern about Opportunism by Their Own Team Members" |
29 October 2010 | AV MuthuKrishnan Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology "Perceived Deliberation and Persistent Preferences for Previously Chosen Options " |
29 July 2010 | Marnik Dekimpe Professor, Catholic University Leuven, Research Professor of Marketing & CentER Fellow, Tilburg University "Sleeping With the Enemy:Does Private-Label Production by National-Brand Manufacturers Create Discounter Goodwill?" |
10 June 2010 | Jagdish N Sheth Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing , Goizueta Business School, Emory University "Impact of Emerging Markets on Marketing" |
20 May 2010 | Durairaj Maheswaran Paganelli Bull Professor of Marketing and International Business, Stern School of Business, New York University "Nation Equity and Globalization" |
22 February 2010 | Naufel Vilcassim Professor of Marketing, London Business School "When Talk is “Free”: An Analysis of Subscriber Behavior under Two- and Three-Part Tariffs" |
29 January 2010 | Sam Hui Assistant Professor, Stern School of Business, New York University "Analysis of Path Data in Marketing with Applications to Grocery Shopping" |