Research Publications in 2014
Journal Articles
“Future scenarios for management education”,by Thomas, Howard, Michelle Lee & Alexander Wilson (2014), Journal Of Management Development, 33, 5, p. 503-519.
"A Network Bidder Behavior Model in Online Auctions: A case of Fine Art Auctions", by Mayukh DASS, Srinivas K. REDDY, and Dawn IACOBUCCI, 12/2014, 90, 4, Journal of Retailing, 445-462
"Social Networks among Auction Bidders: The Role of Key Bidders and Structural Properties on Auction Prices", by Mayukh DASS, Karempudi Srinivas REDDY, and Dawn IACOBUCCI, 05/2014, 37, Social Networks, 14-28
"Ratings Lead You To The Product, Reviews Help You Clinch It : The Dynamics and Impact of Online Review Sentiments on Products Sales", by Nan HU, Noi Sian KOH, and Karempudi Srinivas REDDY, 01/2014, 57, Decision Support Systems, 42-53
Books and Monographs
"Securing the Future of Management Education: Competitive Destruction or Constructive Innovation", by Howard THOMAS, Michelle LEE, Lynne THOMAS, and Alexander WILSON, Emerald Group, Bingley, UK, 2014