Research Publications in 2020
Journal Articles
Kartik Kalaignanam, Kapil R. Tuli, Tarun Kushwaha, Leonard Lee, and David Gal (2020), “Marketing Agility: The Concept, Antecedents, and a Research Agenda,” Journal of Marketing, Forthcoming.
Lim, Leon Gim, Kapil R. Tuli, and Rajdeep Grewal (2020), “Customer Satisfaction and its Impact on the Future Costs of Selling,” Journal of Marketing, 84(4), 23-44.
Valarie A. Zeithaml, Bernard J. Jaworski, Ajay K. Kohli, Kapil R. Tuli, Wolfgang Ulaga, and Gerald Zaltman (2020), “A Theories-in-Use Approach to Building Marketing Theory,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (1), 32-51.
Karaman, Hülya, “Online Review Solicitations Reduce Extremity Bias in Online Review Distributions and Increase Their Representativeness”, Management Science, forthcoming (PDF)
Kumar, N. and K. Pauwels (2020), “Don’t Cut Your Marketing Budget in a Recession,” Harvard Business Review, digital article, 14 August, 2020.
Jung K. Kim and Yumi Koh, “Pretrial Justice Reform and Property Crime: Evidence from New Jersey,” Applied Economics (forthcoming) https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2020.1808579