Research Publications in 2017
Journal Articles
Lobschat, Lara, Ernst C. Osinga, and Werner Reinartz (2017), “What Happens Online Stays Online? - Segment- Specific Online and Offline Effects of Banner Advertisements,” Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming.
Chandukala, Sandeep R., Jeffrey P. Dotson and Qing Liu (2017), "An Assessment of When, Where and Under What Conditions In-Store Sampling is Most Effective," Journal of Retailing, 93 (4), 493-506.
Han, Yoonju, Sandeep R. Chandukala and Hai Che, (2017) “Exchange and Refund of Complementary Products,” Marketing Letters, 28(1), 113-125.
Mukherjee, Anirban, and Vrinda Kadiyali. “The Competitive Dynamics of New DVD Releases.” Management Science, forthcoming.
Ghosh, Dipanjan, Andrew Olewnik, Kemper Lewis, Junghan Kim, and Arun Lakshaman (2017), “Cyber-Empathic Design: A Data-Driven Framework for Product Design,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 139 (9), 1–12.
* Honorable Mention of the 2017 JMD Editors' Choice Award
Emanuel, Bayer, Kapil R. Tuli, and Bernd Skiera (2016), “Do Disclosures of Customer Metrics Lower Investors’ and Analysts’ Uncertainty, But Hurt Firm Performance?” Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming
Lin, Stephanie C., Julian J. Zlatev, and Dale T. Miller (2017), “Moral Traps: When Self-serving Attributions Backfire in Prosocial Behavior,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 198-203.